We usually create separate modules for those things anyway, they are
just really small. What might be a single package {'blah': ensure =>
present} now, might grow into something bigger later. We stick to that
paradigm even for things where we know chances are near 0 that that
will ever happen.
For common files that aren't easily grouped I currently manage them is a base
module that everyone gets.
They get their own class or define and are called like so:
class blah {
Include base
base::sysctl {"vm.swappiness": value => 10 }
On 21/03/2012, at 4:35, Sco
How are folks organizing their Puppet modules?
For things that fit the trifecta
it makes sense (to me) to make them top-level citizens in my
/etc/puppet/modules directory. This constitute things like Postfix,
ntp, snmp,