I figured out what I was doing wrong.
I wasn't (maybe I'm still not? :) ) properly taking advantage of the freebie
parameter 'title' of defined types. This now seems to behave like I had hoped
it would:
class snap::rhel::rh5enable {
$collector = ['','']
Hi Eric,
No, this class is not being called anywhere else.
What I think is going on is that I have an array of two strings, but somehow
the defined type is getting a concatenated string which contains both values of
the array instead of treating each element of the array as an individual.
Are you calling that parameterized class multiple places?
This sounds like a situation where what you want may be a defined type but in
fact you are using a parameterized class. You can include paramaterized classes
multiple times using "include" but not using parameters.
Hi gang,
I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here…
I've got the following:
class snmp::rhel::rh5enable {
$collector = ['', '']
define add_snmp_hosts_allow ($ip) {
exec { "hosts_allow_$ip":
command => "/bin/echo \"snmpd : $ip : ALLOW\" >>/etc/hosts.allow",