Thanks or the feedback, Jeremy. Knowing that there are folks out there who
would find it useful helps me to prioritize :) I still have this on my
to-do list, and hope to get a chance to work on it sometime in the next
week or so. I'll send another response to this thread as soon as I do.
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 09:43:49AM -0700, Chris Price wrote:
> I'd love to put together a "test" manifest that illustrates how to do what
> you're doing w/o modifying params.pp directly,
I'd love to see this, myself, for educational purposes. I'm still pretty
new to puppet and the variable scopin
Hello OSX007,
You are on the right track, for sure. The goal of the params.pp is to set
default values for those things and allow you to override them in your own
manifests. It's definitely OK for you to edit params.pp directly if you
know for sure that the settings you've specified will alwa
I think i figured it out in the Postgresql module edit the params.pp so
that it looks like this;
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$service_name = 'postgresql-9.1'
$client_package_name = 'postgresql91'
$server_package_name = 'postgresql91-server'
On more thing the postgresql-9.1 is installed but when you run service
postgresql-9.1 start you get
/var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data is missing, Use "service postgresql-9.1.4 initdb"
to initialize the cluster first.
Any idea ?
Op woensdag 29 augustus 2012 02:14:54 UTC-4 schreef OXS007 het volgende: