Ken writes:
> Hehehe - cool bananas. Happy to merge - just one small problem.
> I'm guessing that syntax is how you persist rules in Ubuntu? I run
> Ubuntu at work now but I'm a newb:
> /sbin/iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules
Yeah, that would be the ubuntu specific piece. I don't think ubu
Hey Marc - I was hoping you would join in the discussion :-).
> Thanks for your patches on this module ! I love the --comment idea. I
> will definitely pull this asap.
Thanks for writing puppet-iptables in the first place - I use it all
the time and it really makes my life easier.
> I'm not too
Seph, Ken,
Thanks for your patches on this module ! I love the --comment idea. I
will definitely pull this asap.
> You shouldn't need the 'before' in the 'iptables' resource. Not quite
> sure why its not executing, but how about this ...
I do know why it's not executing: unfortunately this ipta
Hehehe - cool bananas. Happy to merge - just one small problem.
I'm guessing that syntax is how you persist rules in Ubuntu? I run
Ubuntu at work now but I'm a newb:
/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules
Using that will break fedora - so we need a facter if/then. Do you
have the time to add
Ken writes:
> What scope did you define that code in? Try it in your /etc/puppet/
> manifests/site.pp file.
I tried it in both the iptables module and the site.pp file. But, I like
your module more.
> Its a mod to the camptocamp code. It persists ip
> But I don't see that exec being called. Nor do I see any attempts at
> calling it. (I've even been testing with the command set to "false")
> Anyone know what's up with this, or have another suggestion for
> generating such a list?
Actually - this smells like a scope thing.
What scope did you d
You shouldn't need the 'before' in the 'iptables' resource. Not quite
sure why its not executing, but how about this ...
Its a mod to the camptocamp code. It persists iptables with iptables-
save without requiring an external exec notify. It also stores t