> If anybody has a need for a build module, please feel free to download
> it from github:
> http://github.com/jfqd/puppet-module-build
Thanks, this was very useful!
Maybe this deserves a new thread, but I don't think some of the logic
is working right. Maybe its a difference with 0.25.5, but
Thanks Silviu, you was right, it is definitely a path problem with tar
and puppet seems to ignore the path (?)
I solved it by using gunzip and tar after another (piped):
$unzip = "/usr/bin/unzip"
$tar= "/usr/sbin/tar"
$bunzip = "/usr/bin/bunzip2"
$gunzip = "/usr/bin/gunzip"
Thanks for your tip! Path is set early in base inheritance class to:
Exec { path => "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/
sbin:/sbin" }
But even if I set this path env var in the exec block it fails:
# here I always get an error
exec { "extract-$name":
cwd => "/usr/loca