> Here, puppetdb is just an example, I have given the fact is I am able to
> open this URL using localhost & curl command in Linux terminal.
> However, same I am expecting to get via browser.
Right but like I said, the API parts don't work in a browser unless
you are using some form of Jav
Here, puppetdb is just an example, I have given the fact is I am able to
open this URL using localhost & curl command in Linux terminal.
However, same I am expecting to get via browser. I am trying to check
feasibility of pupet to integrate with third party tool.
Here, we are developing in house
On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 16:59:29 UTC+5:30, Raju Patil wrote:
> If I run below command on puppet master. I am able to get output pasted
> here.
> But the same information, I am trying to capture via browser using
> http://puppetserverip:8080/v2/facts/operatingsystem but not working