Class Zabbix
class zabbix ($version = '2.0.2', $dbhost = 'localhost',$timezone='Rome') {
$ZabbixDBHost = $dbhost
$ZabbixDBName = "zabbix"
$ZabbixDBSchema = "zabbix"
$ZabbixDBUser = "zabbix"
$ZabbixDBPassword = "zabbix"
package { 'httpd': ensure => installed, }
package { 'php':
On Monday, March 11, 2013 4:25:12 PM UTC-5, Luca Gioppo wrote:
> I'm running a previously working set of modules with the Puppet master
> version 3.1.0-rc2.
> I'm getting the Error: stack level too deep
> Here is a chunk of the debug
> Debug: Scope(Class[Zabbix]): Retrieving template za