I've filed an issue[1] for this. I don't think it is a bug in facter
since it is returning the fact correctly.
As for the gateway fact discussion... Most of my puppetized systems
are pretty simple (HPC clusters) so they typically have a single
default gateway. Does facter only support string data
Hi all:
El Miércoles, 21 de Abril de 2010 06:55:29, Daniel Pittman escribió:
> donavan writes:
> > When I made up my sites broadcast fact I solved it in a manner like
> > interfaces.rb. Essentially there are multiple "broadcast_$interface"
> > facts, and while creating these the interface
> > if distid.match(/RedHatEnterprise|CentOS|Fedora/)
> sidenote: you can use confine for such things.
I'll look into confine. Incidentally this is my first fact and I stole
most of it from the puppet docs.
> right, that might be related to a known bug. but that shouldn't affect puppet
donavan writes:
> On Apr 19, 10:09 pm, Daniel Pittman wrote:
>> So, a simple "gateway" fact is essentially meaningless for our network; this
>> is probably true of at-least-some machines on at-least-some large networks.
>> (So, while your fact is meaningful, it isn't a generic "gateway" fact :
On Apr 19, 10:09 pm, Daniel Pittman wrote:
> So, a simple "gateway" fact is essentially meaningless for our network; this
> is probably true of at-least-some machines on at-least-some large networks.
> (So, while your fact is meaningful, it isn't a generic "gateway" fact :)
> This can return mu