Thanks Wyatt, my google fu is weak :)
I'm stuck on puppetserver 1.1.1 and puppetdb 2.3.7 for the time being in my
dev environment.
I'll upgrade to the PC1 packages once I've got this current code deployed
into production and see if it makes life easier.
Then begins the task of upgrading production
You're encountering PDB-170 (
It's a known bug, and last time I looked at it wasn't clear whether the
issue was Puppet or PDB, but I just tried it on Puppet 4.2.2/PuppetDB
3.1.0 and I can't reproduce:
Given a site.pp that looks like this:
define test_type (
$value = [],
) {
$type = inline_template('<%= @value.class %>')
notify { "${title} => ${type}": }
@@test_type { $::fqdn:
value => [ $::fqdn ],
Test_type <<||>>
I get the odd result when run on icinga: