Hi Wyatt,
I now have a custom fact using powershell commands to get the installed
software's for windows machines.
*PS Command:-*
HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |
where{$_.DisplayName -and $_.displayname -notmatch 'Update'} |
Select-Object Displa
The reason for that is the resources returned by puppet resource come from
the RAL, rather than PuppetDB. If you were to declare puppet resources with
the content included in your paste, then they would show up in PuppetDB.
PuppetDB will only include version information on package resourc
Hi Wyatt,
Thanks for your quick reply !
I do get some response for /v3/resources/Package , but it does not contain
any information about software's installed on node and it's versions.
My data of interest is similar to following ( I got this from node when i
issue *"puppet resource package"*)
Hey Harish,
Your issue could be that trailing backslash. PuppetDB is likely
interpretting it as a query for all resources with type "" (i.e empty
You should be able to get all package resources with
/v3/resources/Package, and you can restrict that to a given node with
curl -X GET
Hi Ken,
Thanks for your reply.
I got the resource and catalog endpoints working after changing the confdir
ownership with " sudo chown -R puppet:puppet `sudo puppet config print
Now, i just need to get the resource list for all machines or for a
specific machine. I can't seem to fi
So at a high level
The resources are populated from successful Puppet runs that submit
their catalogs to PuppetDB. So step 1, run puppet agent -t or
whatever, if you aren't seeing something like this in your
2016-05-18 14:12:28,855 INFO [command-proc-3055] [p.p.command]
I am trying to access resources from PuppetDB API as follows, API makes a
successful call but empty response.
*API call:*
curl -X GET 'http://sdin-swt-ctf-01:8080/v3/resources/'
[ ]
Is there anything that i need to enable to populate the same?
You received this messa