Yes that was the case originally. To test again I uninstalled
openssh-server and ensured that /etc/ssh/sshd_config file was removed, then
ran puppet again. All worked as expected, package was installed,
/etc/ssh/sshd file created and service running, however the quest tasks was
not marked as co
Here are the significant bits:
Debug: importing
in environment production
Debug: Automatically imported sshd from sshd into production
Debug: /Stage[main]/Sshd/Package[openssh-server]/before: requires
Output of "puppet apply 'sshd/tests/init.pp' --debug" is below:
[0;36mDebug: Runtime environment: puppet_version=3.7.3 (Puppet Enterprise
3.7.1), ruby_version=1.9.3, run_mode=user, default_encoding=UTF-8 [0m
[0;36mDebug: Loading external facts from /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/facts.d [0m
Add the debug flag (--debug) and see what you get.
Also, put a dummy notify resource in your module file to get an indication that
it is being processed.
Like this :
notify {'here I am': }
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the
Hi Luke,
This is also my first post :) But maybe I can help you.
So I have created the same class 'sshd' as you.
Here the structure :
[vagrant@vm01 modules]$ pwd
[vagrant@vm01 modules]$ tree
└── sshd
├── files
│ └── sshd_config
├── manifests
│ └── init.
Firstly, apologies if i have started a duplicate topic, this is my first
post & I couldn't find a topic that matches my question...
I ran into a problem when working on the Ordering quest in the Puppet
Learning VM. It is when managing the sshd service, during the final task
number 6 the qu