Thanks yeah I knew i could do this. seems a bit over the top - what if a
patch changes this .. any way I went with the file editing option instead
On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 8:34 PM Andy Hall wrote:
> As stated above if you match the existing file with a yumrepo resource
> then yes it will
As stated above if you match the existing file with a yumrepo resource then
yes it will effectively change just the file but puppet will now own that
so it has to match or else it will create a new file.
So if the existing file looks like this...
name=CentOS-$releasever - Base
Okay sorry for the confusion.
So brand new centos 8 install
all the repo files are in the /etc/yum.repo.d directory
I want to turn on the high availability repo
I would rather not replace the whole files - yes I can see its contents,
but I don't want to maintain the file in puppet I want to
Keyser, do you mean what syntax to generate a repo file for the CentOS high
availability packages?
I am trying to understand your requirement clearly.
Warron French
On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 1:10 AM Keyzer Suze wrote:
> Hi
> Looking at configure brand new installs
Puppet needs to own the file to use the yumrepo resource type so if you
ensure all aspects match then effectively using the enabled parameter
should just change that file. But if anything doesn't match then yes it
will create a new file. But is shouldn't be too difficult to work it out
from the
Looking at configure brand new installs
basically i have Centos 8 template (VMWare) and I create new machines,
login assign name to it and run puppet agent.
I wanted to use high availability packages and i need to turn on the repo.
Not sure the best way of doing it, I don't want to recreate
Did you get an answer Keyzer?
Do you still have the file /etc/yum.repos.d/Centos-Base.repo, or do you
need to recreate the entire repo from scratch? How I respond depends on
your answer.
Warron French
On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 7:51 PM Keyzer Suze wrote:
> Hi
> I w
I want to turn on the high availability repo.
How to I do that, with re creating the repo file ?
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