Ok, I know standalone isn't the coolest way to run puppet, but I don't feel
like I have a node I can sensibly assign as the master. Regardless, this
seems like a significant issue.
Is it something stupid I'm doing, has anyone else had this problem? Do
nodes cache catalogs? What's going on? ...
And of course the vital statistics of the opponent are:
operatingsystem=> Debian
operatingsystemrelease => 6.0.3
puppetversion => 2.6.2
rubyversion=> 1.8.7
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I have run into a brick wall with puppet autoloading, using the standalone
puppet set up via the puppet command. Basically, when I add a new defined
type to an existing module, trying to use it elsewhere fails with the old:
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid
You sir, are a gent and a scholar!
I had not even considered creating my own RPM's, assuming that such a thing
was beyond the ken of a mere mortal. I shall be reading up on them tonight.
Thanks for bringing the yumrepo type to my attention, I have been adding
repos with yet more Exec's which I
I am writing a module to configure a Nexus maven repository manager service
on a centos5 host.
As far as I'm aware, Nexus isn't available as an rpm, so there is a manual
install step.
I'm new to puppet so I tried getting it to copy a shell script over to the
host to have it:
- Extract the tar.