[Puppet Users] Re: optional file{ ensure => file}

2009-07-21 Thread korymatu
Could you put the affected systems in their own node? Node 'special1' inherits default ... You could apply the class for your .conf only to the systems that need while ensuring that they still receive the default barrage of management. On Jul 20, 4:41 pm, David Sowder wrote: > We're in the pro

[Puppet Users] Re: Generating a file from a set of fragments on the puppetmaster

2009-07-06 Thread korymatu
My understanding is that there are a series of files that exist on the server. Each contains information that is needed by various nodes. All nodes need some of the files; but not all nodes need all of the files. Based on what I think you are trying to get done, I would probably use generate...

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Implementation

2009-07-06 Thread korymatu
Agreed; the simple answer is to not manage the file. Assuming that the default configurations will be in place already from the apache, mysql, etc., installs; and the OP does not want to replace custom files -- not managing the file is the simple solution. On Jul 2, 9:20 am, S H wrote: > On Thu,

[Puppet Users] Re: firewall ports to be opened in between client and master?

2009-07-02 Thread korymatu
I opened up 8140/tcp from the clients to the puppetmaster and haven't had any issues pushing configurations and filebucketing. The clients shouldn't need anything specific opened; the usual 'established' traffic - which will already be allowed. On Jul 1, 9:50 am, Jason Amato wrote: > I have a