I have a custom type that I am trying to get to compare the contents
of two files. Specifically, the user will specify (in the resource)
the location of the file which will serve as the base configuration,
and the provider should compare this file to another file in another
location. I know that
> when Symbol
> unless gid == :absent
> self.devfail "Invalid GID %s" % gid
> end
> end
> return gid
> end
> On Apr
Is there any way to use regular expressions within a custom type's
provider, or are they not yet implemented within Puppet? If they are,
do you simply execute them as usual according to regular Ruby syntax?
You received this message because yo
Hello all!
I am having trouble with custom types. I am simply trying to invoke a
provider function to learn how the "type" and "provider" interact with
each other, but I keep getting the same error message of "Could not
find resource type filetest", with "filetest" being the resource I am