e here:
> > content => template("samba/smb.erb", "samba/${hostname}.erb"),
> What is your intention with having multiple .erb files per hostname? That
> might help us figure if there a different solution is warranted.
> -Rilindo
> On Aug 7, 20
;require => Package["samba"],
> }
> }
I keep getting the error:
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Syntax error at '.'; expected '}' at
I'm trying to call puppet from a bash script and whilst it works, it
causes my script to end prematurely.
function runPuppetLocally()
echo "...running Puppet locally"
exec puppet agent --test
echo "Puppet complete"
I presume Puppet is issuing an
> "root",
before => Class[buildbox_step2]
A little obtuse up front, but I'm not cutting and pasting the same exec code
all over the place and don't have to worry about name uniqueness.
-Original Message-
From: puppet-us