task within a module.
> You can then use bolt to execute a task:
> bolt task run —nodes
> The task istself:
> #modules/demo/tasks/test.sh
> #!/bin/bash
> touch
> sudo touch
> Hth,
> Martin
> On 17. Nov 2021, at 21:42, Sandra Schlichtin
Dear all =)
I would like to learn Bolt with Puppet DSL, so I was wondering if someone
could get me started with an example that:
* logs into a Linux host
* touch new_file_as_user
* sudo
* touch file_as_root
That would be very much appreciated =)
Sandra =)
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osh Cooper wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 4:37 PM Sandra Schlichting
> wrote:
>> Dear all =)
>> It have been +5 years since I used Puppet at my previous job, and back
>> then I recall Puppet executed the tasks in random order, and I had to glue
Dear all =)
It have been +5 years since I used Puppet at my previous job, and back then
I recall Puppet executed the tasks in random order, and I had to glue all
the tasks together to get them to be executed sequential.
I recall something about Puppet have been completely rewritten since, so I
> The environment name is just a directory within the
> /etc/puppet/environments directory, nothing more. If you use a git branch
> named 'master', you will just have to check it out into an environment
> directory with a different name, such as 'production', 'main', etc... It
> doesn't mat
> > How can a git branch name (master) conflict with content in the
> > puppet.conf file?
> When using puppet agent --environment=master, the [master] section
> containing configuration directives (e.g. database connection for
> puppetdb) will be interpreted by the puppet agent, with less t
On Monday, 19 August 2013 15:48:38 UTC+2, myeazel wrote:
> Git branching and environments is exactly what we did to solve this
> problem. We are actually using gitolite which allows us to lock down who
> can push to certain branches. So anyone can create their own branch, push
> that up (whi
, this may mean
> you’ll need to rename the master branch to something like production or
> stable.
How can a git branch name (master) conflict with content in the puppet.conf
Sandra =)
On Friday, 16 August 2013 01:14:44 UTC+2, John Warburton wrote:
> On 16 August 2013 0
Hello all =)
What I would like is a way so multiple people can make changes to all files
in /etc/puppet/, but only after they have tested their changes then they
"git push" so /etc/puppet is updated. The git repo is in /etc/puppet. When
I read about environments [1] I get the impression that is
> My solution to this is a script that enumerates the signed keys that the
> master server knows about and compares this with which clients have been
> seen in the past 24 hours. There's probably also a way to do it with some
> of puppet's reporting facilities. My script is appended if it is o
> I provided some posts about the health of Puppet agents some time ago.
> They might help too. The first one is found here:
> http://www.bernd-adamowicz.de/80/monitoring-puppet-part-1/. The others
> are linked.
That is exactly what I was looking for =)
Very interesting blog, btw. Lots o
> If you have dashboard installed unresponsive nodes can be seen in the
> left panel.
The reason I am interested in this information is that I would like to have
the puppet master tricker Nagios to send an alert. =)
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Hi all =)
Can the puppet master tell me which nodes it haven't heard from in X days?
Sandra =)
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> Afaik, there is no way to make puppet tell you about this.
> Puppet is a powerful tool and you got what you asked for :-)
I have now written a script that will check for this, and posted it in
"Please review this node check script" =)
> What you can do is to write Rspec tests for your c
The attached script is made for those who have one node per file and want
to catch if something have been made global by being outside on the node
node xxx { ... }
if ... { ... }
which should have been
node xxx { ...
if ... { ... }
Adjust the
I am using puppet 2.7.19 and if I use puppet.conf as
logdir = /var/log/puppet
rundir = /var/run/puppet
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
prerun_command = /bin/false
or add prerun to [main] and do
Hi =)
I just made the following mistake, but puppet 2.7.19 didn't complain.
node test {
package { [ ... ]: ensure => present }
So I guess all the packages became global for all nodes?
Is it possible to disable this "global definition" option, or get puppet to
warn about it?
> I know for that practice, but the problem is that it makes upgrade from
> samba to samba3x packages a problem. So I would rather avoid that with
> the puppet. And if you know how to add puppetlabs repo to yum, then
> you'll know how to choose what version repo to use. Just take a look at
I am using puppet 2.7 so I am wondering if the new
and future versions are compatible with puppet 2.7 ?
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Hi Chad
* Take a look at the yum versionlock plugin. My life has been much
> simpler since I deployed it. For a while I was "exclude"ing puppet
> and friends in yum.conf, but that was a real pain. The versionlock
> plugin "pins" a package at the version you want, and then you can
> update
Dear readers,
I have changed the hostname of a node, and so the question is:
How do I delete the old puppet certificate on the node and master?
Sandra =)
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Dear all =)
I have a few deb packages that I would like to install on some Ubuntu nodes.
This guy explains how to create your own repository, which I think is a
little overkill for me.
Is it possible to have puppet install the p
Hi Joe and Matt,
Thanks a lot for both solutions!!
I am actually going to use both as for normal hosts Joe's solution is good,
and Matt's for LTSP clients =)
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Hi all,
I would like to add two repositories to Ubuntu nodes
apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc)
deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main
and then import the key
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 16126D3A3E5C
> figure out if nis packages support having an 'answer' file available to
> provide the input for those questions and if so, have puppet put the file
> into place prior to installing the packages.
Great. It does. Thanks =)
These links were useful
Hi all
I would like to install NIS, but how do I handle such a package which
prompts for user input, when "apt-get install nis" is done on Ubuntu?
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> Not necessarily. I have not tried this myself yet, but you can put
> static DNS settings in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/{head,base,tail}.
> Afterwards call "service resolvconf restart". See here for details:
> http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/
Just tried it, and
> Surely if you're statically configuring DNS on a server, you don't want
> a dynamic DNS configuration daemon running on the same server.
> Presumably something like:
> package { 'resolvconf':
> ensure => purged
> }
> And then get on with your life?
That is a very attrac
Hi all =)
Does anyone know of a module that can configure the DNS on Ubuntu 12.04
This module works for CentOS and Ubuntu < 12.04
but in Ubuntu 12.04 you can't just overwrite the /etc/resolv.conf anymore.
DNS have to be set in /etc/network/
Hi Chad
> Sorry, Sandra, I started to add a comment at the bottom with usage,
> but apparently I never saved it. Although the script can do user keys
> as well, this just addresses host keys. I have a cron script that
> generates the known hosts file as well:
Wow. Easy and simple
> Err, no. In a well-maintained environment, it should never be necessary
> to manually approve a host key.
I would prefer that too.
> Usually you should always distribute all host keys to all clients with
> one of the common @@ssh_key Export/Collect patterns. That is totally
> unrelat
> There's an sshauth module at
> http://projects.reductivelabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Module_Ssh_Auth_Patterns
> that I've used successfully on a 2.7.x puppetmaster. It handles
> public & private key generation and exchange, but doesn't handle
> known_hosts. It doesn't require a DB
Hi Chad
Here is the script we use to do the same. I am not proud of all the
> locking stuff. Not sure if it is necessary or not, but it works.
> Just set $hostkeydir and $userkeydir for your environment, and it will
> manage ssh host keys. It will also do user keys, but I didn't put
> examp
Hi Eric
> On the run so no time to write up a quick example - but take a look at
> exported resources. There's a design patterns page --
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/exported_resources.html
> These are designed to do what you're looking for.
Wow. That looks very complicated. =)
I would like to write a class that can copy /root/.ssh/id_dsa from node A
to node B.
class sshkeycopy {
>exec {"ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f /root/.ssh/id_dsa -P ''":
> creates => "/root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub"
>file {"/root/.ssh/id_dsa":
> mode => "644",
> owner => r
directories="<%= backupDirList.join(" ") %>"
Of course =)
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If I write the following in a template
directories="<% backupDirList.each do |dir| -%><%= dir %> <% end -%>"
then it will output
directories="/appl /etc /usr/local "
How do I print the backupDirList array, so it doesn't end with a blank
Best regards,
Sandra =)
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To po
dnesday, August 29, 2012 6:48:04 AM UTC-5, Sandra Schlichting wrote:
>> Hi all =)
>> I would like to purge the following packages
>> network-manager
>> network-manager-gnome
>> network-manager-pptp
>> netw
Hi Krzysztof
I am not sure why would it require a restart, hm... I am used to making
> sure that the service is stopped, packaged purged and then you only need to
> make sure that static IP configuration is in place. Sometimes you need to
> get rid of the udev rules file, but not often.
Hi all =)
I would like to purge the following packages
but the problem is, that I suppose a reboot is required for the NIC's no longer
to be manged by network-manager?
How would you work around this?
Please replace "testip" with "mttj-linuxterm1-puppet" =)
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Dear readers,
When I do this
node testip {
package {'isc-dhcp-server':
ensure => purged,
service {'isc-dhcp-server':
ensure => stopped,
enable => false,
pattern => 'dhcpd'
I get this error
Error: /Stage[main]//Node[mttj-linuxterm1-puppet]/Service[is
> I just published the saved query that lists these tickets, for a little
> nicer URL:
> https://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/issues?query_id=263
That is a very interesting link.
Do you know what the estimated time frame is for 3.0 final?
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> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/mcollective gives a bit more
> information on mcollective itself. You don't actually push configs to nodes
> with it; you have a client which "tells" all machines that matches a fact
> to trigger a puppet run. The puppetd agent plugin is required for
> The mcollective agent is written in Ruby, but it's really tiny. You can
> use the mco controller plugin to view resource utilization over time, and
> it's generally infinitesimal.
Great. Thanks =)
MCollective sounds very useful!
You received this message because you are subscribed
> MCollective is a service that runs on every node. It constantly polls a
> message queue server for real-time messages and sometimes responds to them
> by performing actions.
> You use a command-line client app to send messages, and you can set
> filters on each message so only certain no
> > How can MCollective replace "puppet kick"?
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/mcollective-plugins/wiki/AgentPuppetd
I don't know what MCollective is, and that link doesn't say anything that
will explain it or how I can push configs to nodes =(
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Dear readers,
I was shocked to see that "puppet kick" will be deprecated in 3.0.0
How can MCollective replace "puppet kick"?
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Does there exist a tracker bug of blocking bugs for final release?
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> using something like 'myconfig::ntp' (or any different name,
> 'ntp_local', etc.) would work fine. This would look like
> class myconfig::ntp {
> class { 'ntp':
> server_list => [ 'a.example.com', 'b.example.com' ]
> }
> }
> note testsrv {
Hi Ryan,
This is equivalent to writing include ntp but without just accepting
> the default behavior and data.
Yes, the following works
node testsrv {
class { 'ntp':
server_list => [ 'server1', 'server2', 'etc' ],
but I would really like to have this instead
node testsrv
Dear readers,
I would like to use the saz-ntp module from
When installed the class is called "ntp".
Ideally would I like each node to look like
node testsrv { include ntp }
I don't want to modify the downloaded module, but I would like to be able
> I first use vim-puppet (syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in
> vim while creating my manifest) To create my manifests
Btw. How do you install that?
I have tried
mkdir .vim
cd .vim
git clone https://github.com/rodjek/vim-puppet.git
echo "set runtimepath+=$HOME/.vim/vim-puppet"
Hi James
The Puppet language reference:
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/2.7/reference/
Just what I was looking for =)
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Dear Juan
- puppet parser validate file.pp (Validate the syntax of one or more
> Puppet manifests).
> - puppet-lint file.pp (Check that your Puppet manifest conform to the
> style guide) this one must installed using gems package manager: gem
> install puppet-lint
That's exactly what I w
> Yes, you may either use it as an Eclipse plugin or as a standalone
> program.
That sounds interesting.
How do I do that? =)
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Hi Bernd
> Did you ever try Gepetto (https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto)? At
> least in the coming version (3.0) will support Puppet 3. I really do
> recommend Gepetto since I’ve been working with it for more than a year
> now and it helped me a lot creating error free code. You should gi
Hi all,
Being new to puppet 3 and to Ruby.
Does there exist a chart of the Ruby I should know?
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Dear readers,
How do I syntax debug the config files on the puppet master before I deploy
My current problem is that server_list is to be an array, and I don't know
if I should write
class { 'ntp': server_list => $ntpServerList }
class { 'ntp': server_list = $ntpServerList }
> Could you post your whole auth.conf once more?
Sure =) I haven't touched anything besides adding your lines towards the
debug output from node
> Note that getting puppet kick working is a multi-step process:
> - Gotta change all agents' puppet.conf to have listen = true in either
> [main] or [agent].
> - Gotta open port 8139 to incoming connections on every agent node's
> firewall.
> - Gotta add the following stanza somewhere nea
Dear readers,
When I have made a change to a template, class or file, is it then possible
to push this change to the node(s), so they get the changes now?
I would like to be able to push the change from the master, and not have to
login to each node and pull.
Is that possible?
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