Re: [Puppet Users] Single certificate, multiple nodes... or image-based systems

2014-01-09 Thread Patrick Hemmer
On Thursday, January 9, 2014 7:40:42 AM UTC-5, wrote: > > Thanks for your suggestions, > > Running masterless is a bit too exotic, since we would like to use all > those nice features that make a Puppet installation complete: specially > hiera searches and PuppetDB. Modules,

[Puppet Users] puppet catalog compilation job queue idea

2014-01-09 Thread Patrick Hemmer
There's been an idea floating in my mind for quite a while now about using a job queue for compiling puppet catalogs. I just mentioned the idea on IRC and a few people really liked the idea, so I thought I'd bring it up here and get other thoughts on it. The idea is that instead of puppet maste

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet & unicorn SIGINT shutdown issue

2013-02-20 Thread Patrick Hemmer
Well I figured it out. In `application/master.rb` line 142, puppet is doing `Signal.trap(:INT) ... exit(0)`, which prevents unicorn from getting the signal and shutting down properly. Why is this code there? Any reason I shouldn't be heading right over to the bug tracker and entering in a bug repor

Re: [Puppet Users] Error with service: "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII"

2013-02-18 Thread Patrick Hemmer
No, but it's not related to the manifest. The manifest this resource is in actually hasn't changed in months. Also I can reboot the box and it goes away. Other boxes that aren't doing it will sometimes start doing it when they reboot. (at least that's the behaviour I've been observing, but I have o