I think i hit the following bug:
The describe workaround did not solve my problem. Also what i forgot to
tell was that i'm using puppet 2.7.19
Is there a workaround for me?
Kinds regards,
Michiel Piscaer
On 24-07-14 21:29, M. Piscaer wrote:
I have two ceph clusters 'ceph_prod_cluster' and 'OSC_acc_storage'
For the OSC_acc_storage cluster I have 3 ceph monitor nodes
isp-oscaccstormon-01, isp-oscaccstormon-02 and isp-oscaccstormon-03. I
deploy the nodes with puppet-ceph. Like you can see on
node5.some.domain.com', 'port' =>
'2564' }
everything works fine. But then I still have the problem how to make the
settings that needs to be global and node specific at one hash?
Kinds regards,
Michiel Piscaer
On 23-02-12 21:04, Walter Heck wrote:
I have an problem that I can't get resolved. I have an hash like
With this hash i whould like the add some extra hashes before passing to
the module, i have tryed the code below.
node testnode {
class { 'testclass':
nodes_data => {