The fundamental problem is that such information is only going to be
accurate to the last
Puppet run, it's not realtime. Hence the need for some sort of
external orchestration (which
you'd get for free with DNS/DHCP data). Other options are of course available.
On 21 January 2014 07:25, Jose Luis
On 21 January 2014 06:47, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
> On Monday, January 20, 2014 8:01:13 PM UTC+5, Felix.Frank wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 01/20/2014 03:25 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
>> > hello guys,
>> >
>> > i am new to puppet and few days back have installed motd module for
>> > test
Those connections don't take much in the way of resources on the ActiveMQ server
(you might need to up the number of open files the activemq process is
able to access).
I'm not sure what you mean about non-persistent connections; are you
talking about
agents periodically connecting to check? i'd e
Are you sure that 'service logstash status' is working properly?
That's what puppet is using to confirm
logstash is running.
service logstash start
service logstash status && date # should print date
service logstash stop
service logstash status && date # should not print date
If that's not what
The agents on your servers are connected to a pub/sub system (stomp
that's the port you're referring to.
the commands get sent into that pub/sub system , agents do stuff and send
back replies
using the same pub/sub setup. you pull the replies off that.
there's no direct connection betwe
/export/home and /home are odd on solarises.
what you could try is managehome => false and create the directory itself
with puppet.
file { "/home/$username":
ensure => directory,
On 6 September 2013 12:43, Andreas Dvorak wrote:
> Dear all
> I have puppet 3.2 running and have a mo
+1 for create_resources. I use it on 2.7 without storeconfigs, and it doesn't
involve hiera at all. I just declare $modulename::data = [ {.}]
and feed that into
a resource with:
create_resources(resourcename, $modulename::data)
One gotcha: this is a function (essentially a macro that expands
Sounds like you might want to look at using an ENC - see:
On 2 July 2013 19:30, Dax Jack wrote:
> I am working on a project that involves host names with now sequence to
> them.
> I would like my "node" hostnames in nodes.pp to point to a
There's an mcollective mailing list if you need more detail, but real quick:
mco is the client, you run that whereever you want (ours is on the
puppetmaster but that's not required)
mcollectived is going to run on your nodes (same as puppetd)
they communicate via a STOMP exchange, that's the Acti
that I wouldn't use inheritance here but a
> simple parameter for the package name and move that somewhere else like
> hiera(although I see that you are using puppet2.7)
> Inheritance is almost always not the right answer.
> --
> Nikola
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12
Ah cracked it!
class jdk::32bit inherits jdk {
Package['jdk'] { ensure => undef }
package { "jdk.i586": ensure => present }
On 21 June 2013 12:15, Dick Davies wrote:
> i was hoping I could do this with the right ensure parameter on Package,
> but I
i was hoping I could do this with the right ensure parameter on Package,
but I'm hitting a wall.
We've got 64-bit servers running tomcats on RHEL that need to be 32-bit
(external vendor, JNI, funny story).
2.7 Puppetmaster and the yum repo hosts the Oracle JDKs.
Currently we just push out what
Looks like we'll be stopping on 2.7 for a while to catch our
breath before we press on to 3.x .
So far things are pretty stable, but the puppet runtimes have jumped
quite a bit and the load on our creaky old puppetmaster is significantly
higher (~ 200 nodes, 30 minute checkins).
Are there any pro
r things done with either all-Hiera or
> all-roles/profiles, but I think most people are using a mixture.
> Hope that helps!
> N
> On Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:32:14 AM UTC-7, Dick Davies wrote:
>> We just bumped up our master from 2.6 to 2.7 to
We just bumped up our master from 2.6 to 2.7 to get yesterdays
security fix, and I'm trying to clean up the Dynamic warnings ready
to push on to 3.x.
I've read
but can't see a good alternative for a pattern we use to allow tuneable
On 22 May 2013 09:43, Dusan Dordevic wrote:
> groups => 'clavis',
you don't need this next line, it'll be auto-required.
> require => Group['clavis']
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"Puppet Users" group.
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I've got a puppet 2.6 deployment (w. passenger) with mcollective 1.0
sprinkled in,
happily managing about 200 centos/rhel nodes. Recently we added Foreman 1.1
in just to
get a reporting dashboard.
We never used storeconfigs (didn't want to throw a DB into the mix as we
it out) and it's starti
On 15 May 2013 19:33, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 10:45:19 AM UTC-5, Dick Davies wrote:
>> <%- if yum_proxy_url != false %>
>> # use proxy
>> proxy=<%=yum_proxy_url %>
>> <% end -%>
>> w
On 15 May 2013 15:24, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 6:29:14 AM UTC-5, Dick Davies wrote:
>> At the minute we've set an empty string, but then templates etc. need to
>> be littered with
>> if ($url_from_hiera != &qu
starting to use hiera in earnest now (still on puppet 2.6 but planning an
upgrade to 3.x this summer).
the heirarchy looks for fqdn, then network_eth0, then 'default'.
Some of our subnets don't want to set http_proxy environment variables, the
rest do.
so default.json has a 'http_proxy_url'
This has been niggling me for a while, since we're snowbound today figured
i'd have another crack at it.
I've got pubkeys for our usual system accounts that we push out as
file resources.
But we also setup a root authorized_keys for our sysadmins.
In some cases we'd like to give e.g. devs root ac
At a guess the asadmin command isn't in puppetd's $PATH.
Maybe try a full path to the executable to confirm?
On 26 September 2012 17:01, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to setup Glassfish config management using puppet.
> I've found larstobi's module here which I've cloned and am
On 16 September 2012 22:25, Jakov Sosic wrote:
> On 09/16/2012 11:31 AM, Dick Davies wrote:
>> We only provision a few nodes a day max. so that works ok. Lately I've
>> been
>> thinking of replacing Cobbler with The Foreman, which has better
>> Puppet integration.
We use Cobbler for our Centos/RHEL kickstarts (around 150+ nodes, mainly VMs)
and a very simple .ks that adds puppetd. on first boot it starts up
and we manually
sign the CSR on the puppet master.
Historically, we didn't want tight integration between provisioning and CM as we
were new to both and
isn't /opt/apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost a directory?
You should still get output saying that on a puppet agent run though.
On 31 August 2012 15:18, Bai Shen wrote:
> I'm trying to install solr using puppet. I have a module installing tomcat.
> Now I'm trying to make another module that
> Hi Dick,
> Do you have "pluginsync = true" in your Agent's config in it's initial run?
> Are the facts in a module's path correctly (/lib/facter/.rb) ?
> -Luke
> On 24/05/12 11:57, Dick Davies wrote:
>> I've got a cou
I've got a couple of custom facts that are used to find template paths etc.
I always thought facts and plugins got pulled down before the modules
were applied
(this is 2.6.x), but it looks like they aren't (having re-provisioned
some nodes the initial
run is failing immediately).
I end up with in
I've got a couple of custom facts that are used to find template paths etc.
I always thought facts and plugins got pulled down before the modules
were applied
(this is 2.6.x), but it looks like they aren't (having re-provisioned
some nodes the initial
run is failing immediately).
I end up with in
Life is far, far saner if you can make a package. Things like FPM
make this sort of thing so easy (e.g. turn a tarball into an RPM)
you need a very good reason not to.
On 30 April 2012 01:39, Shoujin Wang wrote:
> I have some old packages which was not in standard RPM/DEB packages.
> We have ou
On 28 April 2012 15:11, Walter Heck wrote:
> So, just to make sure I understand this correctly: in this case just
> removing all the puppet code didn't help, since the mere existence of
> the module with the custom fact in our module path made the fact
> execute on the agent, right?
Yes (in my e
; end
> On Feb 3, 11:29 am, Ramin K wrote:
>> You'll need to add the redhat-lsb package to your kickstart system and/
>> or just install it on your current systems. That's the package facter
>> uses to determine the lsb facts.
>> On Feb 3, 8:57 am, Dic
Just started a rollout of centos 6.x across our Puppet deployment
(100-odd servers).
what fact would people suggest I use to distinguish 5.x from 6.x
(quite a lot of subsystems are different between major releases)?
lsb* facts don't seem to be present on centos 6 - is this an EPEL bug,
or have th
That kind of thing should work (been using similar tricks since 0.25.x);
one odd thing about Puppet is you have
more flexibility in templates than in the DSL itself (since erb opens up
the full Ruby syntax).
On 24 January 2012 14:30, Dan White wrote:
> What is the minimum version of puppet (and o
Is yum-updatesd status returning true?
That would act as you describe.
If so, you could either push out a fixed init script
or set 'hasstatus => false' and use the pattern parameter instead.
(I prefer the former myself, since I have other things (monit etc.)
that I want to use service scripts wit
No, that works a treat. Thanks a lot
(to all who answered).
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 1:00 PM, donavan wrote:
> On Jan 21, 11:13 am, Dick Davies wrote:
>> ensurable do
>> defaultto 'present'
>> end
> I've always specified the methods:
to do the trick (blows up with a
"change from present to present failed: The rabbitmq_user provider can not
handle attribute ensure" . Am I out of luck without an
explicit newparam{} block to work in?
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Dan Bode wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011
I've almost finished a pretty simple type/provider to manage
RabbitMQ users and virtual hosts.
I'm using the 'ensurable' keyword in my type to save a bit of boilerplate.
Type is below (the provider is just a wrapper around the 'rabbitmqctl'
Have a feeling there's a developer guide somewh
y that client side?
> On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Dick Davies
> wrote:
>> I just wondered if anyone has experience of this kind of problem, and
>> what approaches they've
>> found to work best.
>> I'm writing my first type/provider (on pup
I just wondered if anyone has experience of this kind of problem, and
what approaches they've
found to work best.
I'm writing my first type/provider (on pupet 0.25.x) to automatically
setup RabbitMQ.
The basic approach I'm taking is to wrap the rabbitmqctl command
(which lets you create vhosts,
Thanks all, think I had it in my head that a general 'os' module
could do simplify this, but I think you're probably right that handling
in the individual modules is better.
Then I can migrate to multi-platform support module by module,
and there's much less cross-module dependencies involved.
I have a dozen use cases for some sort of
Puppet 'proxy' client that could supply facts and
act as a provider for
(e.g. load balancers, rackspace cloud, web services,
embedded devices) where running Puppet locally was not practical.
Does anyone know of such a thing?
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:35 P
I've been using Puppet very happily for the last 6 months
or so to manage our CentOS and RHEL servers.
Over the summer I want to knock things up a notch ,
and part of that is going to be supporting a wider range of OSes.
First on the hit list are likely to be Solaris 10 and Suse (SLES).
I know a
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Ken wrote:
> What do you want to do above and beyond say - installing a package?
> ie. in redhat I just did:
> package {"java-1.6.0-sun": ensure => installed }
> As redhat stuff java in their repos :-).
ISTR you have to enable the 'supplemental' channel subscr
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Ken wrote:
> +1 on the passenger ... we wouldn't survive without it. We are running
> 0.25.4 as well.
That seems to be the general advice, thanks.
> In regards to the nodes hitting the puppetmaster at the same time - I
> presume you've looked at the 'splay' optio
I'm getting a lot of 'connection reset' errors all of a sudden on our
0.24.8 puppetmaster.
I'm assuming that's a load issue?
Number of nodes has been stable for a month or so, but a lot of them
were rebooted at the same time
yesterday so they rain down requests on the poor (untuned, webrick
On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Smain Kahlouch wrote:
> I would like to give a parameter to my ldap module.
> In the node definition i would like to specify the domain.
> Example :
> ldapnode {
> include ldap::master::domain("domain.tld")
> }
> And in the manifest :
> define ldap::master::do
Ah, turns out the group type doesn't support the 'members' attribute
on CentOS anyway - dilemma avoided :)
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Dick Davies wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Bruce Richardson
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 09:31:54
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 09:31:54AM +0000, Dick Davies wrote:
>> Offhand, does anyone know the difference between the 2
>> constructs below to manage secondary groups ?
>> This is the 'groupadd' provider
Offhand, does anyone know the difference between the 2
constructs below to manage secondary groups ?
This is the 'groupadd' provider I think (CentOS).
Think I'd prefer the former if the result is the same
(I create these users in a definition and it's simpler to not touch it).
group { "foo":
I'm still banging away at this LAMP hosting stack, the latest
thing to manage is group quotas.
Does anybody know of a provider? Had a quick google but couldn't
see one; if not, can anyone recommend some pointers to writing your
own provider?
I'm guessing I need to wrap the edquota command somehow
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Douglas Garstang
> Does anyone know where I can get the puppet 0.24.8 RPM? We had been
> getting it from the public EPEL Repo, but it looks like they just
> decided to upgrade the version in their repository to 0.25.4.
We run a local mirror of EPEL, and we
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Peter Meier wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
>>> Well, it workes in erb test, but not when puppet runs:
>>> undefined method `start_with?' for via puppet
>>> erb -x -T '-' test.erb | ruby -c says Syntax OK
>> I thought
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Len Rugen wrote:
> Will something like this work in a template?
> <% if fqdn.starts_with?'something' then %>
Try 'start_with?' instead of 'starts_with?'
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To post
Awesome, thanks Todd.
I had seen them in testing, but feel a lot happier using the stable repos.
I'll be careful next time I do a reposync :)
On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 4:57 AM, Dick Davies
I'm sure this is a FAQ, but does anyone know the timescale for the
EPEL Puppet modules to jump to 0.25 ?
I'm putting off a lot of quite gnarly redesigns until then, so don't rush
on my part :)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Dan wrote:
> Forgive my ignorance, but puppet and ruby are both very new to me.
> I am trying to use puppet for (amongst other things) manage a custom
> backup script i use on all my machines. The script reads a
> configuration file that tells it where to backup
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:58 PM, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Feb 3, 3:08 pm, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> I was wondering whether storeconfigs would come up. The problem I see
> with that is storeconfigs, as I understand them, record the managed
> resource states each host *should* have, not necessar
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Thomas Bellman wrote:
> Dick Davies wrote:
>> host { "":
>> ensure => present,
>> ip => ip_of($activedbhost)
>> }
>> 'ip_of()' is what Puppet calls a '
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Dick Davies
> Does anyone have a reference on how to write functions -
> the reductive labs docs seem a little broken today.
Never mind, found it.
You received this message b
I want to use a CNAME as a level of indirection
( to point N webservers at the active mySQL replica).
I'd like to use /etc/hosts to avoid the DNS propagation delays.
I don't want to do away with DNS altogether though - is it possible to lookup
a hostname and pass that IP to the hosts type? Somet
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Rob McBroom wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Marc Fournier wrote:
>> [²]
> Pardon my ignorance, but why run the `` or
> `` at all?
> My manifests for VMWare gu
I'm building a LAMP stack with Puppet, so far it's been great for
doing the 'roads and sewers' standard build bits.
I'm a bit unsure how to use it to manage e.g. the MySQL active-passive
pair we plan to use, though. Need a bit of guidance from veterans I think.
It's not HAed, we just want a spar
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 5:26 AM, chuck clark wrote:
> Has anyone found a clean way to manage Glassfish configuration with puppet?
> Glassfish was designed to be managed through a WebUI or a CLI tool known as
> asadmin. Making changes using these tools modifies a domain.xml file.
> Glassfish read
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Michael DeHaan
> With Puppet, if you're just learning it, what were some of your stumbling
> blocks? If you are an existing user, think back to that time, or times
> when you were talking with new users?
#1 has to be variable scope and the inability to re
If I use the source attribute to file, I can pass in a list of files
that will be searched until one matches.
Is there a way to do something similar with templates?
(Use case: I'm trying to make a generic apache module, but every
webserver we run is totally different,
so rather than make a singl
Nice one Pete -
that's what I was aiming for, but you've probably saved me a day
and half a bottle of rum getting there :)
On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Peter Meier wrote:
> Hi
>> Thanks, I've seen that work but the trouble is I want to be able to
>> pass in a $docroot option,
>> or def
37 PM, Paul Lathrop wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Dick Davies
> wrote:
>> If I have something like this:
>> define bar($thing="/tmp/$name") {
>> file { $t
If I have something like this:
define bar($thing="/tmp/$name") {
file { $thing: ensure => present }
class foo { somedef{ "bar": } }
puppet will try to create a file called '/tmp/foo' , not /tmp/bar.
It see
Is there a way to concat multiple files together to generate the
content of a File resource?
I know this can be done with templates, but wondered if there was a
way to do it with straight
files (without the overhead of running through ERB).
[ I'm trying to do this to create an authorised_keys fi
'me too' :)
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Dave wrote:
> Yes - any view of the presentations would be much appreciated!
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave
> On Sep 21, 10:14 pm, Marc Fournier
> wrote:
>> > (I'm working angles to see if we can get presentations
>> > streamed/recorded.
>> +
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 3:18 AM, Ohad Levy wrote:
> I personally reinstall, I think its the cleanest way to find out the any
> manifests errors (e.g. dependency etc)
> if you have an automated build process, than it usually takes less than 10
> minutes..
> if you don't have an automated build pr
Hi all
I've got a nice little VirtualBox test VLAN with a puppetmaster and 3 nodes, and
I use it for trying out new classes before they go to the real
puppetmaster for testing.
After a few months of playing around, my poor little puppets are running
all sorts of rubbish; NFS, networked syslog, m
Think he means this :
(Volcane on IRC recommended/wrote it; the idea is for e.g. each service
that needs a firewall rule can create a fragment of an iptables config,
which is then concatenated into a single config file by the iptables class.)
On Sat
Cheers Scott!
On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Scott Smith wrote:
> Dick Davies wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I searched around and found there used to be an IP alias type
>> in puppet, but it was dropped because it only really worked on Redhat-type
Hi all
I searched around and found there used to be an IP alias type
in puppet, but it was dropped because it only really worked on Redhat-type OSes.
I only need it on Redhat, :) [ mainly for apache SSL vhosts]; does
anyone know where the code went?
I'd settle for a definition/template based s
: 960.373
(sorry for delay in replying)
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Paul Nasrat wrote:
> 2009/6/10 Dick Davies :
>> Thanks James.
>> Actually it's the same fundamental issue as
I've raised
against this.
To my mind, has_variable?('panda::blood') returning false makes
more sense than throwing a parse error :)
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Dick
Davies wrote:
> Hi Trevor, thanks for the idea.
> O
This is a real problem from where I'm sat; it does make me wonder what
tags are actually
useful for.
I suppose I could define the tag in the node, but that seems pretty
redundant since I'm
also including the 'httpd' class.
> Trevor
> Dick Davies wrote:
I'm using a primitive template to build my iptables rulesets.
It's all in a branch on my github repo at
template that looks like:
<% if has_variable?('httpd::open_firewall') %>
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tc
0, 2009 at 1:25 AM, James Turnbull wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dick Davies wrote:
>> I've noticed that facter doesn't flag VirtualBox as a VM; where do I
>> submit a patch?
> Dick
> See http://reductivelabs.c
I've noticed that facter doesn't flag VirtualBox as a VM; where do I
submit a patch?
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intentional, or if somewhere in the puppet code, there's a
tags = get_tags()
that could be replaced with
, if you see what I mean. I'll have a poke around next, I guess.
Thanks again.
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Brice Figureau
Any comments on this one? Even a 'don't do that, do this' would be great :)
On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Dick Davies
> Hi all
> so far I'm loving Puppet, have asked a few questions on IRC and had
> really good support there.
> This one has me sc
Hi all
so far I'm loving Puppet, have asked a few questions on IRC and had
really good support there.
This one has me scratching my head, though.
I was hoping to use puppets implicit tagging feature to handle
iptables configs e.g.
# iptables.erb
<% if tags.includes('webserver') %>
# allow port
84 matches
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