On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 2:30:36 PM UTC-6, Brian Morris wrote:
> Hello all,
> There may come a need for me to perform a wide deployment of the Puppet
> client to Windows servers. I am curious to know how others have
> accomplished this.
> Concerns I have:
> - No other tools are in
I'm trying to do some interesting javascript integration between grafana
and puppetdb. I'd like a grafana scripted dashboard to to make a puppetdb
API call, to then create a list of hosts for a dashboard. However, this is
a cross-domain request, so browsers don't allow it. With Apache, I
rce puppet to simply execute the sysctl settings in order (I
use requires to control module order) ...meaning the last setting will
become the valid setting?
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On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:59:23 AM UTC-8, Bruce wrote:
>> I see how to set the central buckets up. Is there a programatic way to
> access that data?
Nevermind. Found http://docs.puppetlabs.com/man/filebucket.html
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On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:29:16 AM UTC-8, R.I. Pienaar wrote:
> the other side of the coin is that often diffs contain sensitive
> information.
> I think the default behaviour used to be that these were in reports but it
> just burned many people.
That's true. Maybe it could be
On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:05:05 AM UTC-8, Ryan Senior wrote:
> I've recently added a feature to catalog hashes, similar to what you are
> describing as a sort of debug mode option. It's in master now and should
> be in the next release (1.6). More information is available in the ticke
Any plans to get the actual diffs of file changes into puppetdb? Right now
you get the hashes of the buckets on the host, but if diffs could get into
puppetdb, it could be extremely useful.
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"Puppet Users" group.
To u
r to experience similar problems:
We have hosts running 2.7 client, a single puppet master, and we're using
Puppet Dashboard for ENC.
What would be a recommended order of operations to get to 3.1 on
client/server, and using PuppetDB instead?
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just do <%= @foo_name %> the vars in the define is local scope, just use
> them
This worked great. I'm a little shaky on when I can use @variables. Is
there documentation you could point me at? Thanks again.
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That doesn't sound like a description of dynamic scoping. Best to show
> examples
Sure thing.
class foo {
define add_foo ( $foo_name ) {
file { '/etc/some/file': content => template("foo/file.erb")
Then in file.erb:
<%= scope.lookupvar('foo::add_foo::foo_name') %>
So that
No response to this? I'm trying to clean up code to eventually move to
3.x, and I'm running into this as well. Have defines with variables and
then templates which reference those variables. How do I explicitly scope
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I have several large lists of nodes which have very dissimilar (almost
random) hostnames, but the exact same puppet definitions. Is it possible
to define them in arrays, and then do something like
node $array_of_nodes {
include foo
include bar
node $array_of_nodes2 {
include woz
I've been writing a little module to handle some grub settings on RHEL
6 and appear the have run into a silly little problem that I just
can't fix.
I've trying to append the string "crashkernel=128M@16M" to the kernel
line in my grub.conf. The following module works 100% if I leave out
the "@"
;%FACTER_EXAMPLE%" is available as "$example". You can create your own
custom facts to import any others that you want. See here:
The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la. All the wor
ilures happen -- use them to detect where you need to patch up
> conflicts between modules.
^This. I only offered the wrapper since a solution was requested.
What would Edward Woodward do?
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"Puppet U
you need to get used to is that Puppet's DSL is a declarative
language, not an imperative one. Some of the things you want, there,
aren't actually appropriate.
The Puppet DSL works well enough when you use it to create the simplest
complete description of what you have. Try and use it like J
idea) or wherever
you hit a problem with third party code.
Your problem is relevant to the earlier post about code reuse. I
considered responding to that (too busy, sorry) and this was one of the
kinds of scenarios that I had in mind.
I must admit that the existence of Disneyland (which I
exist already). The Unix user creation tools
will copy the /etc/skel files into the right place when Puppet invokes
This only fails if you need different dotfiles (differing by content
and/or name) for different users. If you don't, simple win
Hierophant: someone who rememb
here is more than one way to do this. What kind of conditions woud you
be testing for?
A problem shared brings the consolation that someone else is now
feeling as miserable as you.
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"Puppet Users&qu
your nodes. That, though, is
only hiding the problem and still means much more noise than is
necessary in the communication between the ECN and Puppet (which is
still a potential source of error, as the same datum transmitted many
times is more likely to be corrupted/distorted in one of those
that's quite something of a redesign and would make optimisation more
difficult (at lest, starting from where we are now).
A problem shared brings the consolation that someone else is now
feeling as miserable as you.
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Is this even possible?
On Jun 20, 5:50 pm, Nigel Kersten wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 1:29 AM, Bruce Bushby wrote:
> > Hello
> > I'm new to large scale puppet deployment and was hoping the list could
> > of
sults in case others have a similar question.
On Jun 20, 7:30 pm, Ken Barber wrote:
> > Getting back to my ultra simple setup, I'm finding that I can't run
> > "puppetd --test":
> > [root@msukpuppet02 puppet]# puppetd --test
> > err: Could not
other parameters to the puppet client here
[root@msukpuppet02 puppet]#
I have checked both systems time is correct perfect and both system
resolve in the dns correctly for both A and PTR records.
I'm using RHEL 6.1 (puppet-0.25.5-1.el6.noarch)
Thanks a
One last question:
Would the list suggest implementing "augeas" where possible? and would
"augeas" fit into the "module layout"
On Jun 18, 9:29 am, Bruce Bushby wrote:
> Hello
> I'm new to large scale puppet deployment and was ho
sudo::file (have puppet serve the sudo template)
then in "os/manifests/site.pp" . would I import sudo?
and the second question: How would I create hosts groups? I would like
to group my hosts in "dev", "uat", "staging" and "prod" etc?
rt human reader who may be debugging the code. I consider that more
valuable than consistency for consistency's sake.
I must admit that the existence of Disneyland (which I know is real)
proves that we are not living in Judea in AD 50. -- Philip K. Dick
You received this
> ensure => stopped,
> enable => false,
> }
Are you trying to have simultaneous stoppage or just save typing? You
can achiev the latter by
service { [ 'sendmail', 'exim' ]:
ensure => stopped,
enable => false,
What w
Simply editing the file and saving it isn't enough.
I've verified that the clocks on both hosts are in sync - they're both
configured to use NTP & are fully synced. I'm not sure what else to
check. Any ideas why I'm seeing this behavior?
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:04:37AM +1100, John Warburton wrote:
> On 19 January 2011 17:41, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 05:10:56PM +1100, John Warburton wrote:
> > > wishes - https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/3910
> >
> > *Looks at
t discussion* Ouch. If the client were still allowed to
override the environment, even when the server was explicitly set to be
authoritative, that would make a complete nonsense of "authoritative".
Glad the discussion has gone the other way.
Get thee behind me, Stan: for it
ure what causes this inconsistency, but it has something to do
> with yum dependency resolution and the dependencies as defined in the
> manifest.
Are you sure that all the machines were in precisely the same state
with regard to packages before the upgrades?
Get thee behind me, St
ing to justify that approach. And
I did tell him how to do it, anyway. Can't say fairer than that.
I must admit that the existence of Disneyland (which I know is real)
proves that we are not living in Judea in AD 50. -- Philip K. Dick
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Tried resubscribing
and it tells me I am subscribed. Still no messages.
Remember you're a Womble.
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"Puppet Users" group.
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ou not to do this.
Hierophant: someone who remembers, when you are on the way down,
everything you did to them on the way up.
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"Puppet Users" group.
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7;/bin/' on it so that puppetd can find /bin/sh, in my
experience. When you run puppet rather than puppetd, it's inheriting
your environment with your path.
It is impolite to tell a man who is carrying you on his shoulders that
his head smells.
You received this message be
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:19:03AM -0800, trey85stang wrote:
> Bruce, I think what you are saying is clicking now.
> Now does puppet allow any variable substitution?
I do urge you to stop thinking in terms of scripts. It doesn't map well
onto the way that Puppet works. If you
ernal Nodes, which would
scale better for you than describing all 6000 nodes in a text file.
I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock
You received this message beca
e, and the "purge =>
true" line would otherwise remove them)). Note also that I don't need
to specify the values of $fqdn and $hostname, because these are "facts"
which puppet can find out for itself (I do specify $primary_ipaddress in
this example, because a host may
ation consists of specifying which resources you do or don't
want present in which circumstances. Most of the rest of it is about
defining which resources depend on which others (e.g. this running
application depends on that configuration file). You describe how a
system should look and Puppet
knew somebody was going to say that. I don't much like the idea
of ruby manifests; it seems to turn Puppet's design upside down. I try
to reduce the direct use of Ruby in my puppet configurations to an
absolute minimum.
It is impolite to tell a man who is carrying you on
e used from the class's namespace.
> The alternative is to do them separately and pass in the same
> information that I already passed in to the class, which seems messier
> than just providing them from the class's namespace.
I think there may be a misplaced word in there; it does
If there's a version of 2.6 where that fix has gone in, you need that
version. If not, you could try applying the patch yourself ;)
Bitterly it mathinketh me, that I spent mine wholle lyf in the lists
against the ignoran
opy the file; write it. So do
content => file( whatever )
rather than
source => 'puppet:///whatever'
Remember you're a Womble.
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"Puppet Users"
and then
user { 'at':
managed => true
Is there some reason you don't want that? Hmm. Are you perhaps
working under the mistaken assumption that a User defaults declaration
will affect all users on the box? Because the truth is that
avoid it locking puppet down
as well. And if puppet isn't locked down, and they have root access...
A problem shared brings the consolation that someone else is now
feeling as miserable as you.
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tablish the default for any user resources
declared within Puppet. It would have no effect on users created
outside of puppet with names not used in Puppet.
I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock
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On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 09:35:24AM +, Michael Gliwinski wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 Nov 2010 01:53:34 Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > nsscache is probably at fault. Try removing it from nsswitch on
> > a machine which has shown this problem and then see how that affects
> > th
during puppet runs?
I must admit that the existence of Disneyland (which I know is real)
proves that we are not living in Judea in AD 50. -- Philip K. Dick
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"Puppet Users" group.
To post to this gro
try taking a copy of /var/lib/puppet
before you remove, then compare the contents when you reinstall. May
help you find the problem.
Bitterly it mathinketh me, that I spent mine wholle lyf in the lists
against the ignorant. -- Roger Bacon, "Doctor Mirabilis"
and it doesnt
> seem to when we log in and check by hand, so I don't know why puppet
> is failing.
nsscache is probably at fault. Try removing it from nsswitch on
a machine which has shown this problem and then see how that affects
I must admit that the existence of
perfectly possible to deploy java applications in a way
which allows them to cope with the temporary absence of a database
Bitterly it mathinketh me, that I spent mine wholle lyf in the lists
against the ignorant. -- Roger Bacon, "Doctor Mirabilis"
You received this
On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 11:44:51PM -0700, Leonko wrote:
> Hello, Bruce. At now we have hard dependence between file storage, db
> server and appserver. If it chain broken at any phase we get the
> message from zabbix.
But that's not a problem. Zabbix is monitoring software: it *sh
database is broken? How will you cope if the database
service dies once your appserver has started?
If the universe were simple enough to be understood, we would be too
simple to understand it.
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"Puppet U
#x27;s own name. I then set certname and certdnsnames in the puppetmaster
config and start it up - a certificate with the right CN will be created.
Get thee behind me, Stan: for it is written, thou hast gotten me into
another fine mess. -- Oliver 4:8
You received this message
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 05:16:39PM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> It seems that the nagios_service type will not write out the "name"
> property of nagios service objects. I had thought this was an oversight
> or a bug, till I saw this thread:
> http://www.
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 05:16:39PM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> desired behaviour, why does the nagios_service type have "use" and
> "register" parameters, because they are useless without the ability to
> attach names to services in the generated nagios
os_service type have "use" and
"register" parameters, because they are useless without the ability to
attach names to services in the generated nagios config.
Hopefully I am just missing something and can be pointed patiently to
the way to do what I want.
What would
damage, so to speak.
This is more than semantic quibbling about how to label different
states; inheriting and overriding a more complex state to impose a
simpler state is not the same as defaulting to the simpler state.
So in my situation, "if { include class }" works very well.
e genuine keywords. But if you're telling me
that the community is not just proposing to remove dynamic variable
scope but also to remove the ability to say "if { include
class }", not provide any alternatives and force people to have to
clumsily override every resource in a class wh
t wins. If there is no conflict, they are added
together. If you go back to my example, I set a default of "ensure =
file" at the top level. Because none of the later defaults had an
"ensure" parameter, all files inherited that default. I also set "mode
= 750"
its own defaults for modules2"? Is it posssible that site2.pp imports
modules2? And that you have a bunch of classes defined in site2.pp?
Because if that's the case, I have to tell you that the defaults in
site2.pp are irrelevant. What counts is what the defaults are in the
.pp for diff porjects sharing main site.pp. Is
> puppet evaluating site..p hiericaly? Or all site.pp are evaluated with
> same importance.
You're going to have to explain that in a little more detail. It's not
clear how you have this organised.
I see a mouse. Where? Th
is when you have to decide
whether to deploy and configure individual Java applications to JOnAS,
or how much of the configuration is done by puppet, how much through the
JOnAS console. People have very different philosphical approaches to
that. Nice to have the choice, though.
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 07:20:10AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Oct 18, 4:38 am, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > No, you can't uninclude a class.
> Right.
> > > Is the only way to do this to inherit the base class and override all
> > > it
uder { 'setup': }
class child inherits base {
Includer['setup'] { include => false }
I wouldn't do it that way unless there were other specific benefits to
the define, though. The varia
include samba::winbind
passwd: files <% if winbind_integration == true %>winbind<% end %> ldap
It's not the most elegant solution (not the last bit, anyway) but it
works and if you can't trust yourself to set the
B will not be evaluated if any
resource in class A fails. Is this true in the second example? I
actually hope not; if it is true, stages have to be used very carefully
What would Edward Woodward do?
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te::role classes and in
the samba::packages class where the named classes are internal to the
samba module and contain collections of packages (and their
dependencies) relevant to specific versions of Samba.
Explota!: miles de lemmings no pueden estar equivocados.
You received this
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 12:40:57AM -0700, walexey wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> How can i determinate from one class if another class applied to the
> this node?
Use the defined() function.
What would Edward Woodward do?
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g odd in puppet.conf on your
nodes. I've never seen puppet do that.
I unfortunately do not know how to turn cheese into gold.
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"Puppet Users" group.
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> I probably missed a configuration directive.
Get thee behind me, Stan: for it is written, thou hast gotten me into
another fine mess. -- Oliver 4:8
Description: Digital signature
litle confused to see no package dependencies in
those modules - really, a module should be a self-contained unit that
contains everything that describes the core function. Even if you
decide you want a special package-handling module (which can look
attractive when you first come to Puppet but rea
> 1:"
What happens if you run
/usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/bash -c "Full Name" -d /u/user1 -m user1
from the command line.
Hierophant: someone who remembers, when you are on the way down,
everything you did to them on the way up.
Description: Digital signature
e of your monit module, you'll have to make
changes twice: once in the lenny version, once in the squeeze version.
You have so many duplicate classes that you're bound to slip somewhere
and make the change in one version and not in the other (or do it
slightly differently in the other).
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:07:27AM -0400, Disconnect wrote:
> Note that I didn't reply to the OP, I replied to Nigel's sarcasm.
You could take this up with one of the Debian puppet package
maintainers. Oh, but then you already have...
I unfortunately do n
vide you with a way of managing parallel
If the universe were simple enough to be understood, we would be too
simple to understand it.
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do this for you quite easily) or
have logwatch track it. The benefits of this are a) log redundancy,
b) you get to see what the client is doing even when the puppetmaster is
down (or not visible to the client) and c) less load on the puppetmaster
(logging can become a significant extra load if you
cture (the mcollective suggestion
was a good one).
Is it crucial that the data be current at the beginning any puppet run?
Is the data itself used in configuring the host, or is it just the
presence of current data that has an effect on how/when puppet runs?
Explota!: miles de lem
Do you have an example that would make a more direct case for puppet
having the kind of mechanism you're looking for?
If the universe were simple enough to be understood, we would be too
simple to understand it.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
iles is being logged. And because it is
imaginary, and the files remain in place, it's logged on *every* run.
>I hope this general rule helps:
> If puppet is logging something about a resource every run AND not
> changing anything AND not failing, I think you should file a bug.
On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 02:06:29PM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> I think it would be reasonable of puppet not to log the tidying of files
> which are not actually tidied. Do people agree? In which case I'll
> file a bug report. Or have I missed a clean way of resolving this?
of handling this our should I resort to basic sh
> > scripting to accommodate this?
> @reboot if your cron supports that?
If it doesn't, every Linux distribution and *nix has a set of
initscripts (rc scripts on BSDs) that run only on boot. Just run the
puppet (rather than pup
On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 03:18:44PM +0200, Peter Meier wrote:
> about how many files are we talking under the hierarchy of the recurse
> file resources? and how big are they?
And which filesystem type. Some are much more painful to walk than
What would Edward Wo
resolving this?
A problem shared brings the consolation that someone else is now
feeling as miserable as you.
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p config
file is '/etc/libnss-ldap.conf'") hidden within the module.
I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock
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"Puppet Users"
) within a scope and so make it undefined for the template.
It would be a very useful thing to be able to do; makes for much cleaner
code. Have I missed something?
I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock
You received this
On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 08:55:34AM -0400, Rob McBroom wrote:
> I've added a use case to the bug report.
> On Oct 1, 2010, at 4:30 AM, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > According to the online documentation (which is autogenerated), "Set to
> > present to add to
online documentation (which is autogenerated), "Set to
present to add to fstab but not change mount/unmount status "
Which is the opposite of what you say it is doing. But I believe you,
because I know I've seen this behaviour reported before, although it may
have been on this list
s bad to have configuration in two places: external nodes
> and cvs's files.
I agree.
A problem shared brings the consolation that someone else is now
feeling as miserable as you.
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"Puppet Users" gr
tive where it
should be DRY and a potential source of error. Still, puppet's the best
option around.
The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la. All the world is drowning,
tra-la-la-la-la. -- Tiny Tim.
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It seems odd to be stepping outside the puppet DSL for something
so basic.
If the universe were simple enough to be understood, we would be too
simple to understand it.
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"Puppet Users" group.
To po
it depend whatever the FILE notifies the
No. Notify and subscribe set up the same relationship, just like before
and require.
Remember you're a Womble.
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"Puppet Users" group.
To post
re they people in
another department, customers or what?) and what are their skills?
Hierophant: someone who remembers, when you are on the way down,
everything you did to them on the way up.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
ere is little variation in their configuration.
Bitterly it mathinketh me, that I spent mine wholle lyf in the lists
against the ignorant. -- Roger Bacon, "Doctor Mirabilis"
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"Puppet Users" g
doesn't leave you much choice if you
want to use environments), it's vulnerable to error, fragile and
potentially insecure.
I unfortunately do not know how to turn cheese into gold.
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"Puppet Us
I really don't like about
the way Puppet implements them is the fact that the *client* specifies
which environment to use. This is just plain wrong. At the very least,
the puppetmaster should be able to ignore or override the client's idea
of which environment to use on a per host basis.
u choose to use for load balancing (e.g. LVS).
If you want to make your DNS/puppet cluster completely self-contained,
you could use Hearbeat to make them an HA pair, assign a "float" address
for your official puppetmaster service and have Heartbeat manage that
(and any services which need to
config on the box
without telling you? There's ironic and there's plain contrary.
Explota!: miles de lemmings no pueden estar equivocados.
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