Puppet Enterprise.
If you have any questions about upgrading, be sure to get in touch with Puppet
Support <https://puppet.com/support-services/customer-support>.
*Britt Gresham*
Release Engineer
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PuppetDB 5.2.2 and Puppet Server 5.3.1 are minor bug-fix releasees. For
details, see https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/5.2/release_notes.html and
*Britt Gresham*
Release Engineer
, puppetdb, and console servers first.
As always, we want to hear about your experiences with Puppet Enterprise.
If you have any questions about upgrading, be sure to get in touch with
Puppet Support.
*Britt Gresham*
Release Engineer
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f you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask them here!
Thank you,
Britt Gresham
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