Sorry guys, it was my problem, there is recurse option enabled on big
среда, 6 марта 2013 г., 14:52:19 UTC+4 пользователь Andrey Kononov написал:
> I have try to start puppet on node and see this
> debug: Exec[create_conf_dir](provider=posix): Executing check
I have try to start puppet on node and see this
debug: Exec[create_conf_dir](provider=posix): Executing check
'/usr/bin/test -d /etc/hadoop-0.20/conf'
debug: Executing '/usr/bin/test -d /etc/hadoop-0.20/conf'
debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml pson raw yaml; using
I have find this bug in redmine
it will be fixed ?
понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г., 10:50:27 UTC+4 пользователь Andrey Kononov
> I don`t understand how to tell to puppet agent use ipv6 puppetmaster
> address its dont work w
I don`t understand how to tell to puppet agent use ipv6 puppetmaster
address its dont work when i say "puppet agent --server
puppet6.somedomain.tld" looks like resolving is broken. Ruby configured
with ipv6 support.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr
rsync to didn`t work now =(
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp closed smtp
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
631/tcp closed ipp
/tcp closed unknown
5666/tcp open nrpe
вторник, 19 июля 2011 г., 10:54:48 UTC+4 пользователь MoonWolf написал:
> Zach Leslie wrote:
> >
четверг, 20 сентября 2012 г., 18:45:54 UTC+4 пользователь Garrett Honeycutt
> On 9/20/12 6:33 AM, Andrey Kononov wrote:
> > Hi all, I`m interesting to configure my service depending on count hard
> > drives but facter haven`t any variable about disks,
Hi all, I`m interesting to configure my service depending on count hard
drives but facter haven`t any variable about disks, may be you now how i
can do it ? For example I have 5 types of servers with 3, 4, 6, 8 disks if
i have 3 disks I wan`t create config of my service with parameter "disks=3"