I would like to ask your advice for the simplest method to do deployment on a
debian server. From my perspective the system should look something like this :
# web server node
node "prod.domain.com" inherits webserver {
domain => "app1.com",
Here is what I managed to do:
I was forced to replace package {"buildr":ensure=>installed} with :
$java_home = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun"
exec { install_buildr:
command => "echo 'export JAVA_HOME=$java_home;gem install -y
path => "/us
Thank you for an interesting idea ,
> Hi Adrian,
> I'm not sure but I imagine by just trying to 'source' the profile within the
> current puppet runtime the scope will be lost as it would be called within an
> exec?
> Obviously if you are not worried about running puppet multiple times y
Hi everybody,
thank you for advice. Unfortunately I didn't managed to do what I planed. In
fact I tried using Debian pinning which allowed me to upgrade ruby gems using
the -t option (manualy). -t was needed and I didn't managed to avoid it.
Unfortunately Debian's runbgems is highly modified