[Puppet Users] Re: Bacula with Puppet

2023-08-25 Thread to...@krasnican.cz
Hello, yes, it's pretty simple: $client_password = extlib::cache_data('foreman_cache_data',"${::fqdn}_bacula_client_password", extlib::random_password(24)) file { '/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf': mode=> '0600', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => template($templat

[Puppet Users] How to create new tickets now?

2023-08-25 Thread 'Dirk Heinrichs' via Puppet Users
Hi, PuppetLabs seems to have migrated https://tickets.pupptlabs.com to a cloud-based Jira instance. As it seems, I can not login to this instance anymore, neither with the credentials I used on the old Jira, nor with my Atlassian account. How can I access my tickets now, or even file new ones?