Am Mittwoch, den 28.08.2019, 11:49 -0700 schrieb Bret Wortman:
Debug: Executing: '/sbin/service nfs start'
First thing to try: Does it also hang if you run the command manually? Maybe
it's a problem with that specific service.
Dirk Heinrichs
Senior Systems Engineer, Delivery P
Hello everyone,
’m currently learning about Puppet and I can’t see where is the error in my
I tested The following module to manage the CentOS firewall, firewalld.
Ok, following the instructions in the webpage:
I installed
My agent is 6.6.0 and my server is 6.4.0, so I realize this may be a
mismatch problem, though why the repos have advanced the agent past the
server, I don't know.
My agents on C6 are now hanging and refusing to progress. This happens
randomly; some part of the catalog will get applied
The next release in the Platform 6 series, Platform 6.8.1 is now available!
The release contains bug fixes.
You can see the full list of changes in the release notes
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