Hello everyone ,
I installed puppet version 5.5.10 and the ruby version was 2.5.6 but after
executing the bundle install command when I start my puppet server and I
execute the command "puppet cert list" it displays this message:
[image: puppetCertList.PNG]
and the ruby version has been changed
I can not speak to whether or not changing the permissions to rwxr-xr-x
without any adverse affects to the puppetserver process, but I think I
spotted a possible solution.
Does the file permissions show a period ( a dot . ) at the end of the
permissions list, like this?
# ls -l /etc/somefil
I want to be able to ingest the puppet servers logs into splunk but the
owner of the directory is puppet:puppet and the permissions are
/var/log/puppetlabs/puppet rwxr-x---. Since other has no access, the
splunk service will not be able to read the log files. Can I just change
the permissions
Hi all,
We have enabled repositories on release-archives.puppet.com.
If you're using Puppet 3, install the puppet-archives-release-* packages.
If you're using Puppet 4, install the puppetlabs-release-pc1-* packages.
We do not yet have a timeline for when these packages will be re-archived
from t