Re: [Puppet Users] Problems installing PuppetDB from source - the instructions don't actually work

2018-07-05 Thread Simon Tideswell
Hello Rob Thanks for that information. *lein uberjar *worked. But it built a jar that does not contain every library necessary to run PuppetDB. Some, truncated, output from lein ... puppetserver test depdency unconfigured (ignoring) -- blah blah blah --- Warning: The Main-Class specified does no

[Puppet Users] Simple, Concise guide for systemd - unit:mount? ##Caution Noob.##

2018-07-05 Thread otimm
Hi - I'm building a new environment and will very soon need a level of config management. I have puppet-server installed. I have an agent installed and ready to go. The first thing i would like to achieve are some systemd mount services that I have manually working on Centos 7.4. I'm not sure i

Re: [Puppet Users] Problems installing PuppetDB from source - the instructions don't actually work

2018-07-05 Thread Trevor Vaughan
Hi Simon, While this isn't directly related to your question, you might want to pile onto this ticket to ensure that the community can build all of the package artifacts. Thanks, Trevor On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 8:01 PM Simon Tideswell wrote: > See