I will likely apply these. I wish there was a minimalist PDK way to
generate module. What is generated is everything under the sun, where
personally I'm not intimidated, but for new users...
Well, let's say I'm trying to invite into Puppet Nirvana, not kill them at
the Gates. ;-)
On Wednesda
On 5/6/18 5:02 PM, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> I am getting started with puppet-rspec, and I setup my external modules
> required in the site/$module/.fixtures.yml, with something like
> ---
> fixtures:
> forge_modules:
> apt: puppetlabs/apt
> stdlib: puppetlabs/stdlib
> debconf:
I spotted it, seems obvious now:
class dk_oracle_java::install inherits dk_oracle_java {
package { 'oracle-java8-installer':
ensure => $version,
On Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 2:55:40 PM UTC-7, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> I am sleuthing for this and haven't found anything obvious yet.
I am sleuthing for this and haven't found anything obvious yet.
I have an init.pp that looks like this
class dk_oracle_java (
$docroot = $::dk_oracle_java::params::docroot,
Optional[String] $local_repo = $::dk_oracle_java::params::local_repo,
$version = $::dk_oracle_java::params::v
I am getting started with puppet-rspec, and I setup my external modules
required in the site/$module/.fixtures.yml, with something like
apt: puppetlabs/apt
stdlib: puppetlabs/stdlib
debconf: stm/debconf
I noticed that these are downloaded each and ev
Hi List,
I invite you to a bit of brain-workout ;) I couldn't figure this out on my
own so far.
At our company we have a group of linux-admins who are responsible for the
infrastructure (the hardware and the operating system) and we have
application teams, like the database admins or a team for t