presume i have in my hiera.yaml something like this
- env/%{::ybenv}
lets presume that env is not set in my ENC.
but lets say in a module that is included by my
hiera_include(classes) in my manifests/sites.pp
I have this
and then I do a
hiera ('somekey')
You can use parameters as Rob suggests or specify the lookup yourself.
$new_var = hiera('icinga2_ido_password')
Also the var will be $::qmonitoring::db::new_var not the key you used.
I recommend matching var to lookup key to make it easier to trace
through the code.
$icinga2_ido_password = h
You should investigate hiera automatic parameter lookup (
You need to make `icinga2_ido_password` a parameter of your class and then
APL will "magically" populate that properly. Check out the article, which
gets into deta
for testing Hiera a have written a common.yaml with
qmonitoring::db::icinga2_ido_password: "mypwd34"
qmonitoring::db::icinga2_webdb_password: "mypwd544"
and I have a module named qmonitoring with a class named
class qmonitoring::db {
$new_var = $icinga2_ido_password,
where I try to aut