This is with puppetdb 3.2.4 running on java 1.8 on CentOS 6. Does this
behaviour sound familiar to anybody?
This query (query1) produces fact paths limited to the named facts from the
"stype" of "pmail" in the "environment" of "mail".
Looking for some feed back on this.
master puppet setup. Open source install using R10K and the control-repo
gone with 2 envirenments
using a ENC at the global level
This is where I use the company classifier. for environments and ot
This means I would have to redo my whole current version 3 puppet master
node in oder to be sure it works with version 4 and on top of that I would
have to upgrade all nodes with your own package of puppet 4. This is a
clear no go for me. I want to use the official packages of Debian and I