[Puppet Users] Why does my Puppet Master randomly revoke my Agent's certificate?

2014-09-01 Thread Jason Oakley
My servers were working fine, when I got this error: Inventory Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server session ticket A: sslv3 alert certificate revoked Now, everything was working fine. Due to this error, I re-created the certific

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet agent loops and taking 100% of one CPU

2014-09-01 Thread Walid
what if you run via cron? in my case I had a similar issue but it was mcollective agent when there was an intermittent issue with the network On 29 August 2014 17:59, pmorel wrote: > Hello, > > Recently 3 puppet agents instances (on 3 different servers yet with > quasi-similar configurations)

[Puppet Users] Re: Good PupptMaster/Passenger Guide w OSX 10 .9

2014-09-01 Thread keith . staley
On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:23:45 PM UTC-4, keith@gmail.com wrote: > > HI guys; > > after speaking with puppet labs and gettting the pricing for my site, I > thought it maybe cheaper ot go open spurce. so I am asking for a good guide > you guys have used the following: > > > http://nullr

[Puppet Users] Re: Good PupptMaster/Passenger Guide w OSX 10 .9

2014-09-01 Thread keith . staley
On Thursday, August 28, 2014 9:53:41 PM UTC-4, keith@gmail.com wrote: > > > > On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:23:45 PM UTC-4, keith@gmail.com wrote: >> >> HI guys; >> >> after speaking with puppet labs and gettting the pricing for my site, I >> thought it maybe cheaper ot go open spurce.

Re: [Puppet Users] windows mount points

2014-09-01 Thread Jim Ficarra
whoops - disregard - I re-read and missed that the latter case was a linked location. -Original Message- From: Jim Ficarra Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 2:59 PM To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] windows mount points Have you declared the folder before

Re: [Puppet Users] windows mount points

2014-09-01 Thread Jim Ficarra
Have you declared the folder before the file resource? Something like this: file {'c:/srv': ensure => 'directory', } file {'c:/srv/newfile': ensure=> 'file', source=> 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/myfile.txt', require=> File['c:/srv'], } It's not clear what the source of y

[Puppet Users] Re: How to handle java home in module?

2014-09-01 Thread Corey Osman
Basically you should be creating an init script for each java application that you start. It should be the responsibility of that init script to set the JAVA_HOME/JAVA_BIN variables. With this in mind you shouldn't need to worry about facts or different JAVA_HOME variables since the init scrip

[Puppet Users] Permission problems on Windows

2014-09-01 Thread Armindo Silva
Hi, I have a zip file that has some binaries inside, if I unzip it (with 7z) manually and try to run one of the binaries and it just works, if I unzip it using puppet agent: exec { 'eMZP': command => 'cmd /c 7z x c:\myfolder\my.zip -oc:\myfolder\', creates => 'c:/myfolder/mybin.exe',

[Puppet Users] windows mount points

2014-09-01 Thread Benjamin Priestman
Hi, On windows hosts, I've taken to putting all my app data in c:\srv, mimicing the /srv location on Linux. Depending on the host, this may be a location on the system drive, or it is sometimes an additional disk mounted at that location. In the latter case, `puppet resource file ` shows this a

Re: [Puppet Users] More than one array passed to a definition

2014-09-01 Thread Fran Rodríguez
Thank you very much for the answer Nan, ive used your first option... ;), and works. Cheers. On Friday, 29 August 2014 19:35:38 UTC+2, Nan Liu wrote: > > Puppet array expansion of resources titles doesn't perform any expansion > for resource properties. There might be another way in experimenta

[Puppet Users] Remote Puppet-dashboard ENC

2014-09-01 Thread Joe Sanoh
How do you configure ENC on a remote puppet-dashboard? node_terminus = exec external_nodes = /usr/bin/env PUPPET_DASHBOARD_URL=http://localhost:3000 remote-dashboard /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node How do I configure tihs part:: remote-dashboard /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/bin

[Puppet Users] Switching modules files dynamicaly

2014-09-01 Thread Guy Meler
Hey! I Need to swap modules dynamically on my puppet masters. Is there a healthy way to do so? I'm afraid that I will swap a file during a catalog compilation and it just seems wrong. My thought was to stop the puppet master service every time, but it is kind of messed up. Is there any lock fil

Re: [Puppet Users] erb tempate issue

2014-09-01 Thread Juan Sierra Pons
Hi Finally I have changed to another kind on loop that works for my case uri<% @ldap_servers.each do |server| -%> ldap://<%= server -%> <% end %> Thank you for your time Best regards -- Juan Sierra Pons

Re: [Puppet Users] erb tempate issue

2014-09-01 Thread Martin Alfke
Remove the space after uri and add the space in front of ldap://... On 01 Sep 2014, at 11:53, Juan Sierra Pons wrote: >> >> Just add a space in front of ldap://<%= >> > > > Hi > > I have tried this before but I get and extra espace between uri and ldap > > uri ldap://http://10.10.10.

Re: [Puppet Users] erb tempate issue

2014-09-01 Thread Juan Sierra Pons
> > Just add a space in front of ldap://<%= > Hi I have tried this before but I get and extra espace between uri and ldap uri ldap:// Thank you for your time ---

[Puppet Users] create_resources with default parameters on top of yaml for onetime usage

2014-09-01 Thread yamakasi . 014
Hi guys, I'm looking for a solution to svn checkout a branch and directly config the branch modules using create_resources. My yaml would look like this I think for a one time checkout, which will grab all the modules and configure them one by one: svnsource: repourl: branch: copydir:

Re: [Puppet Users] erb tempate issue

2014-09-01 Thread Martin Alfke
Hi. On 01 Sep 2014, at 11:46, Juan Sierra Pons wrote: > Hi > > I am creating a module to populate a file. The result should be like this: > > uri ldap:// ldap:// ldap:// > > To achieve this I am using an array with the IPs declared on the > ldap_servers array and

[Puppet Users] erb tempate issue

2014-09-01 Thread Juan Sierra Pons
Hi I am creating a module to populate a file. The result should be like this: uri ldap:// ldap:// ldap:// To achieve this I am using an array with the IPs declared on the ldap_servers array and the following erb template: uri <% if !@ldap_servers.empty? -%> ldap://

Re: [Puppet Users] User management

2014-09-01 Thread Gregory Orange
On 22/08/14 02:45, Garrett Honeycutt wrote: Here[1] is the code that I use to manage local users. You could use it for your scenario by placing users in different levels in Hiera and keying off the profile. Thanks, I'll give that idea a try and see if it works out any better for this setup.

Re: [Puppet Users] Style - hiera/params/puppet/template

2014-09-01 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang
On Monday 01 September 2014 05:39 AM, Atom Powers wrote: Poli, that doesn't really solve the problem since the variable values could still come from many places. (Puppet also does some of that lookup automatically, although not as deep.) Yes, though my primary goal is simply to reduce unneces