//I use params_lookup (lib from puppi)
it lookup in this order (first match is returned)
- Hiera backend (if present) for modulename_varname
- Hiera backend (if present) for varname (if second argume
Greetings all,
In the pre-hiera days, it was commonly recommended to write classes with
params like this:
class my_class::params {
$config_param = 'default value'
class my_class (
$config_param = $myclass:params::config_param
) inherits myclass::params {
However, now that
I don't mind even changing that stuff in .Z releases but I think .Y is more
appropriate indeed. Releasing a new major version of Facter every time a
fact is bug fixed seems madness and not something you should get into.
As long as the release notes are in order I think most people have come
I've go a fact "cfn_roles" that is an array
Is it possible to use it in hierarchy ?
For exemple :
* my fact :
- apache
- mysql
And my hierarchy
- "%{::roles}"|
hiera will try each entry of cfn_roles ?
Best regards,
You received this message because you
Ignore me didn't add the extension to the PuppetDB database.
Added it to the puppetdb DB and hey presto:-
2014-08-30 08:40:27,935 INFO [c.p.p.s.migrate] Creating additional index
Too early in the morning for this sh..
You received this message because yo
Bumping my installation up to Postgres 9.3.5 and PuppetDB 2.2 I noticed in
the release notes about the pg_trgm extension (hence the Postgres update)
However on installing them and setting up the extension (seemingly
$ psql
psql (9.3.5)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \dx