How do people manage users? I'm slowly marching toward LDAP (someone
recently suggested FreeIPA, not sure if it's relevant), but trying to
stave it off for the time being. I've read a few blogs and posts on the
topic, but nothing clear comes out - except that if one gets too
complicated, one sh
That might work if you were compiling the catalog on the server where the
catalog will be applied. Functions/templates are run during catalog compilation
so this will not find a directory on a pure-agent node.
you could drop down into pure ruby and evaluate that inside
an inline_template…
On Monday, August 18, 2014 2:05:43 PM UTC+2, Satish Katuru wrote:
> Hi ,
> I wanted to find out whether the directory exists or not in the
> machine.How can I do it?
> if I do it as below it will create a dir
hi all
anyone have an example that run puppet script in 3 enviroment,
1. puppet vagrant
2. puppet apply
3. puppet master
can share?
F -> still stack test my own in that environment
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To unsu
> From the doc :
> *nix (open source)$confdir/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules
> So in your case it would be --modulepath=/vagrant/data/puppet/modules.
I try the
puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/data/puppet/modules
the console like do nothing
can help?
> Hope it helps,
The only way to mount an encrypted volume on boot is if the password is
stored somewhere on the server itself, such as in /etc/crypttab. Maybe you
could come up with a system that uses ssh to login and "manually" mount the
volume with a password after the system is booted.
One thing to be aware o
I have been given a project to secure our client hosts.
One of the requirements was to setup an encrypted volume and mount it over
/var/puppet/lib .
the other requirement was to have the encryption key reside only on the
puppet master.
I have been able to use cryptsetup to have puppet configur
Mea culpa for a misleading information.
Thanks John for the explanation, I didn't know about the 'particular
instant during the catalog compilation'. And for the ensure => absent,
I haven't thought about that one.
Yanis Guenane
On 08/20/2014 09:11 AM, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, Au
On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 06:13:56AM -0700, Lutz Behnke wrote:
>Hi there,
>I am getting the following error on one of my client machines:
>Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
>Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: C
On 20/08/14 09:50, Vincent Miszczak wrote:
> Instead, I pass a YAML hash through an ENC (Foreman to be precise):
> test:
> url: "https://mygitrepos/myapp.git";
> root:"/opt/apps/myapp"
> user: root
> require: Class[myclass]
> I finally understand this won't work because this is expan
Hi there,
I am getting the following error on one of my client machines:
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Could not
find declared class postfix::relay at
Thanks for clearing it up.
I ended up just using onlyif and unless in each exec statement. this
allowed me to rcycle the same commands between the scenario of creating the
volume and mounting and encrypting the volume and mounting it.
On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:11:14 AM UTC-7, jc
I've simplified things a bit in the description to make it easy to read.
I don't really have
$apps = {
test => {
url=> "https://mygitrepos/myapp.git";,
root=> "/opt/apps/myapp",
Instead, I pass a YAML hash through an ENC (For
On Monday, August 18, 2014 4:45:23 PM UTC-5, Eugene Sapozhnikov wrote:
> I am trying to figure out a way to use a if statement to run multiple sets
> of commands depending if one file exists, but I am unable to find any good
> documented ways of doing this.
Your main alternatives are
On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:10:26 AM UTC-5, Yanis Guenane wrote:
> If your file `/volumes/vol1` could be managed by Puppet somehow, you
> could use if defined(File['/volumes/vol1']) as a condition.
> Not sure if it is possible in your case,
Whether it's possible is irrelevant, becau
- Original Message -
> From: "jcbollinger"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:01:09 PM
> Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: "require" broken with create_resources() ?
> On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:04:56 AM UTC-5, Vincent Miszczak wrote:
> >
> >
Inside of your lib/facter directory you could write a facter for check if
package is already installed and use a top scope variable provide by facter
to do an if in your class for test it.
If the package is installed (true) don't do anything else if (false)
install it else {}.
Sorry for my bad En
On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:04:56 AM UTC-5, Vincent Miszczak wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a define like this :
> define application::install($root,$url,$user="root")
> {
> include git
> #Puppet wants a command to start with /something...
> $cmd="/bin/echo 1&&{ cd $root||mkdir $root&&cd $
you want to find out whether a directory exists on a node.
This has to be done on the node by using custom facts.
When the master compiles the catalog you want to switch processing of Puppet
code depending on the fact result.
This means:
you have to write a custom fact which best distribut
Hello puppet users,
I´m struggling with puppets resource odering
my task is to install the QConvergeConsoleCLI rpm, which needs /tmp as
executable - which is per default noexec on our boxes.
but adding a require to the package instruction will always mount /tmp as
executable even if the p
Jorge, :
the other way you specified does the same as:
File { " /etc/puppet/test":
ensure => "directory",
This will also create a directory if it does not exist.
There must be some reason for which you are checking presence of directory.
So you can add unless condition with exec resource
I have a define like this :
define application::install($root,$url,$user="root")
include git
#Puppet wants a command to start with /something...
$cmd="/bin/echo 1&&{ cd $root||mkdir $root&&cd $root ; }&&git clone -b
prod $url ."
$unless="/bin/ls -alh $root |grep '.git'"
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