Hey, good post. I think this is not specific to Mac OS though, unless
some of the links point to Mac OS specific problems. Sorry, I didn't
follow all of the links; there are kind of a lot of them :)
Anyway, just my two cents.
-- Chris
On 07/23/2010 08:47 PM, Trevor Menagh wrote:
Hi all,
I a
If you run Passenger or Mongrel, I would consider "ease" to be
relative. I've run Puppetmasters under both OSes and find them both
relatively easy.
Of course if you deploy servers WITH Puppet, then the point is pretty moot.
On Saturday, July 24, 2010, Thomas A. McGonagle wrote:
> Hey Tre
Douglas Garstang wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Douglas Garstang
> wrote:
>> I have this:
>> class foo::foobar ($version) {
>> }
>> which is called like this:
>> class facility::sanjose inherits facility::common {
>>class { foo::foobar: version => "1.3.13" }
>> }
>> pupp
I never knew there was a spec file distributed with Puppet. Thanks
for the tip. What a time saver!
Thomas A. McGonagle
Google Voice: 617-229-5185
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Douglas Garstang wrote:
>> I just grabbed puppet 2.6, and I'm
Hey Doug,
I double checked your example. It doesn't work for me either. I think
it is a bug too, and not something you are doing. By the way, a define
still works great :)
Thomas A. McGonagle
Google Voice: 617-229-5185
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Brice Figureau
Hey Trevor,
Nice post! Do you have a specific need to run your Puppet Master
under Mac OS X? If you don't I would recommend running your puppet
master as a centos vm. I find it to be a lot easier. Please let me
know if you have any questions.
Thomas A. McGonagle
Google Voice
Taking a shot in the dark really, but probably you need to specify
gnome-specific groups(probbaly gdm etc) & previliges for that particualr
user ?
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Harihara Vinayakaram wrote:
> Hi
> I know this is not really a Puppet question . I have a set up where
> I install
You can pass the file name as a variable as long as you assign a value
to the variable before you include the class.
For example:
class basenode {
include postgresql
include monit
include wiki
include apace
node 'freebeerontuesdays.com' {
$monit_config = "/etc/monit/monitrc"
I know this is not really a Puppet question . I have a set up where
I install a base system, create a user (firstuser) using puppet and
things are fine. Some time down the line I install the ubuntu-desktop
which installs its own set of packages
But I am not able to login as firstuser wh