[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Joshua Timberman") writes:
> On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 3:42 AM, Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One thought I had was to have an unless method/attribute in the file
>> type which would allow us to disable the configured file behaviour:
>> This seems like it would
I have a very trivial parsedfile based type - http://pastie.org/311146
- that works fine when deployed and run under puppetd -t. However,
when being run by the daemonized puppet, it results in this error:
Mon Nov 10 03:50:48 + 2008
Ed Greenberg wrote:
> I created a new puppetmaster and copied my manifests and files over. My
> clients don't like this much. I get errors like:
> Nov 7 12:14:00 test2 puppetd[21307]:
> (//Node[test2.geni.com]/centos5/File[/root/scripts/lcd.pl]) Failed to
> retrieve current state of resource
I'm contributing to Puppet a new feature called Manifest Inline
Documentation (see redmine ticket #1664). It is not yet part of the
mainline distribution, but I hope to have it integrated soon.
The purpose of this feature is to extract documentation from puppet
modules or manifests and ei
> It would be helpful if the "user" type had a new attribute called
> "defaultpassword" or "initialpassword".
or a boolean option 'reset' or 'resetpassword' default to true. Like the
replace option for the file type.
That would definitely be interesting.
greets pete