hello all,
I'm posting on 2 lists because I'm not sure were the problem is, so I'm hoping
that some one can help me out.
I'm running a stock RH8 machine running amongst other things MySQL 3.23.52-3,
Apache 2.0, PHP 4.2.2-8.0.5 When I try a simple php script that is this
(sensitive information cha
Hey everyone,
Thank you all for your quick responses and the problem was that I did not have
mysql support installed for php... installed the required rpm and did a httpd
restart and it wrks now!!
Thanx again,
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Hello everyone,
I was wondering what the implications of changing the group on /var/www/html
would be. I have a small site hosted off my pc at home and I ssh into the box a
lot and work on it. I just don't like having to do 'su' so that I can get into
the directory to work on my page... if I chang
Hello again,
I don't think I have mod_perl installed on my RH8.0 box, I know that I do have
perl installed though... I did an rpm -qa perl and it found perl-5.8.0-55.
My first question is how do I find out if I do have mod_perl installed?
Second question is, but do I need to add to install mod_
Hey everyone,
I'm just wondering how may of you out there are programming in perl for the
web? If you are did you have to do anything special to get the perl scripts to
The reason I ask this is becuase I CAN NOT get any of my perl scripts to run. I
have tried to add a section to my perl.co
--- Jay Crews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does "perl/mylib.pl" exist and where?
> The error looks pretty descriptive.
> It's not in INC, and probably not in $PWD/perl either.
> Probably going to have to move it, or tell INC where it is.
> > /home/mcdougrs/public_html/clarkson/tc442/home.
--- Hardy Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try the 'perl -V' command - the bottom of the output tells you what
> your @INC contains. Here's mine:
> @INC:
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread
--- Neil Bird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>'.' may not (prob. doesn't) equal the dir. of script, but the dir.
> that the server's running 'in'. Try ref.ing the full pathname, and if
> that works, you'll have to the the basename off of $0 (the running
> script) and push it into @INC.
> --
--- Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have the following entry in scheduled cron jobs 4 times a day. What
> does it actually do ? /sbin/service iptables restart >/dev/null
It restarts your iptables service (or firewall) and sending the output to
/dev/null so that you don't see anything
> BTW, when I run the command
> # tar cvzf - /tmp/testdir | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'cat > ~/backup.tgz'
> It asks me for a password, and when I type the correct root password in, ( I
> logged into the 'sending'
> server as root ) , it tells me "Permission denied, please try again".
I hate t
> > I don't suppose there is a way to supply the root passwpord on the
> > command line? this would be great, because I could then run this command
> > in the task scheduler
Not sure if this would work but, can you do a root:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:password ? I would try this out b
Hey everyone,
I know this is going to seem like a stupid question, but here it goes anyway.
How do you start KDE or GNOME manually? I am trying to do XForwarding and I can
get a terminal up and running on my work box (Windows 2000) on X-Win, but I
want to be able to start KDE or GNOME. I have my
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
Hi :-)
> try 'gnome-wm'. When I run it here where it is already running, I get
> a complaint, of course:
> .Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a
> window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the
> cu
Sorry about all the misunderstanding. Yeah, guess my problem is that I'm not
familar with where the executables are. Meaning that I don't, if they are not
in my $PATH, know how to get to them. I just know that in KDE there is an icon
for what I use and I can just click on it :-/. I know I know... I
--- Andrew Schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What ever happened to startkde? Is that only there when someone choses to
> use a
> > CLI login instead of the graphical one? Or is it a RH hack?
> >
> Yo buddy!
> Here is what my MDK 9 box has, perhaps RH is identical. But these are
> the
--- Saqib Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Has anyone been able to d/l RedHat 9.0 from rhn.redhat.com?
> In Peace,
> Saqib Ali
> --
> "I fear, if I rebel against my Lord, the retribution of an Awful Day (The Day
> of Resurrection)" Al-Quran 6:15
> http://www.seagate.cc/blog/
Are y
--- Avi Aumick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ran chkrootkit and the following came up:
> Checking `bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS: 600)
> What am I look at? Also what is the command that tells me what ports are
> in use (I can't remember what it is).
> Avram
Sorry to hear about
--- Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all folks
> On issuing following command
> # ip addr
> 1: lo: mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
> link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> inet brd scope host lo
> 2: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
Hi everyone,
I could REALLY use some help on this one. My old NIC stopped working the other
day so I decided that it would be the right time to upgrade to a wireless card,
so I went on over to BestBuy and bought myself a Linksys WPC11 v.4 wireless
802.11B card. Unfortunately I cannot get it to wor
n now!! YEA And I can't get
that done until I get home tonight.
Thanx for the reply though,
--- "Quillen, Channon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does the card work not using WEP?
> Have you tried Linksys tech support?
> -Channon
> -Original
without errors!! Wo h!
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What was the fix? Configuration?
> >
> > From: Ryan McDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 2003/07/14 Mon AM 10:33:46 EDT
> > Subject: RE: Wireless NIC
> &g
Hi all,
I hope ya'll don't mind but I'm posting to both the Shrike and Psyche lists,
looking for a wider range of answers/experiences.
So I am DREADING the day I bought my new wireless card...
It is a Linksys WPC11 v4 card apparently based on the Realtek chipset. I
went on to Linksys's website a
I have not had the chance to try any of this but there seems to be a solution
to my wireless nic problems. Just in case anyone has the same card, the Linksys
WPC11 v4, here is where there appears to be a solution:
Hello everyone,
Well this is my problem. I have a Psyche box that I want to use for web
developement purposes. So I installed PHP and MySQL. My trouble is that I can't
get MySQL to start with a user other than root. Just to make sure I have it
right, after I do the install from the CDs I would go
--- Kevin McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
> or
> service mysql start
> Be sure to change your password as soon as you fire it
> up.
> =
> Kevin C. McConnell --RHCE--
Ok so I tried the /etc/init.d/mysqld start and it almost worked it returned
Does anyone know if webmin comes with RH 8.0 and if it is a good utility for
Admining a MySQL database?
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Ah good question I just found this one out the other day also. It sould work if
you have the php.conf in that /etc/httpd/conf.d. But I have a question about
this, and it goes along with the original question of this thread. I don't see
a load module line anywhere in the httpd.conf file. Is Apache d
Hey everyone,
My problem is this, I cannot get my resolution any higher that 800x600. The
wierd thing is that I had it working in RH7.3 but after this 8.0 install it
won't go bigger than 800x600. Just to give some details I have a Gateway EV700
Monitor and a NVIDIA TNT2 M64 video card installed(st
Ok so I tried to use the xf86config but that screwed things up worse than I
before, I don't think I know my stuff well enough in Linux to use that tool. I
did install the NVIDIA drivers and they are working but not with resolutions
higher that 800x600 :-(.
Thomas here are the things you wanted me
Well I wish I had good news to report, but I don't. I tried to just add the
Modes "1024x768" "800x600"
To the config file and that did nothing, gave me the same result... blank
screen then it goes to sleep. So someone from a forum suggested: Option
IgnoreEDID On. Tried it, no luck. I don't
Well that did it, although I did use a different ModeLine, but it worked like a
charm once I got it typed(copied) in their correctly. Oh thank you so much for
your help you rock!!! All of you rock for your help on this situation!!
I don't suppose you know what the break down of the ModeLine is do
Wow nice little utility... My monitor though supports "User Settings" so it
remembers positions and things for different user settings. But I wish I knew
about xvidtune on an older system I had.
> Try xvidtune. Play around, and then click 'show' to print to stdout the
> line that can be used as a
If you have a terminal all you need to do is issue the command to startup your
favorite window manager (i.e. startkde). Because X should already be running on
the host box so now running the window manager is just like getting any other X
app to display. No need to mess with VNC if you already have
Hello everyone,
I just want to make sure if I have this correctly. To start these 2 up at boot
time I can just rename the script in /etc/rc.d/rc#.d/K##mysql to S##mysql
correct? If not please let me know how to do this... Oh yeah I only have a CLI
no X on this beast!! Oh yeah and which rc#.d folde
Thanx guys for the speedy response, corrections and the pointers to read up on
this stuff thanx!!
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e USB connection from my
cable modem to my laptop w/out these messages appearing on the screen. Has
anyone else had this experience, did you fix it, if so how?
Ryan McDougall
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Hello everyone,
I just got a Netgear MR314 Router. I am trying to get my RH8.0 system into the
loop but can't seem to get it working. I only have the CLI to work with so no
GUI tool can help :( (Starting to think I should have installed X and KDE). I
have tried doing a ifconfig eth0 up, it brings
Sorry everyone... I forgot to mention too that eth0 isn't being started at boot
time... any help on that would be greatly appreciated also!
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I can't run redhat-config-x whenever I try to invoke those commands I
get an error saying:
RuntimeError: could not open display
I don't have X or any graphical user interface just the command line interface.
Also how would I get the DNS servers in the /etc/resolv.conf?
--- Tuan Hoang
Can I just make that ifcfg-eth0 file? because I don't have that on my system.
I also recieved these errors wheh I ran dhclient eth0:
No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistant database - sleeping
/sbin/dhclient-script: configuration for eth0 not found.
Thanx for all the help so far..
Hello that did the trick... I just made the file ifcfg-eth0 with the stuff from
before and ran ifup eth0 and it worked. I have the NETWORKING and HOSTNAME
portion in the network file but I do not have a GATEWAY line, is it crucial? If
it is is the address just that of the router? And I want to cha
Hello everyone,
I know that this is a pretty basic issue and I may be making too much of it,
but I was wondering about setting my hostname, especially with the hostname
command (I figure that sets whatever needs to be set, but if not please let me
know if there is another CLI command/program to do
Thank you sosososososo much for replying... Like I said before please excuse my
stupidity on this one... But don't I need to own the domain foo.com, or is it
because I'm behind this router that it is safe to do whatever I want?
--- James Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simply edit /etc/s
Yeah I have RoadRunner in NC and they dynamically assign me my hostname...
Doesn't that suck? So I can't even *really* use that because it changes with
the ip something like clt168-XXX.carolina.rr.com... Something like that anyway,
oh well! Thank you guys for the help I'm gonna do the hostname stuf
Alright guys I hate to bring this up again so soon but I have some more
questions and issues I would greatly appreciate help with. This is what my
/etc/sysconfig/network file says:
my /etc/hosts file contains the following:
# Do not remove the following line
nned with the latest updates of
> Norton Antivirus 2K2.
> > -Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]For Ryan McDougall
> > Skickat: den 13 december 2002 08:07
> > Amne: RE: Hostname help
> >
--- Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> huh?
> what router?
I just got a Netgear MR314 Cable/DSL router for an early X-mas gift.
> who them?
> most importantly, what are you trying to do that you can't do?
> Communicate? I'm sure you can communicate...did you try ping?
Your right I can
Hello everyone,
I have decided that my laptop needs to have X on it and I would like to run
enlightenment as my WM... anyway... I was wondering if there is an easy way to
install XFree86 and all the dependancies from the install CDs... Like running
the install program to select which packages I ne
Hello all,
I am trying to make a script to start Folding@homes linux client. But when I
$ chkconfig --add folding
It told me that my script didn't support chkconfig... So I read the man page
for chkconfig --add and my specific question is...
What are my choices for priority levels and what
WOW Thank you so much for the reply, and man is that easy!
All that I can say is thanx!
--- "Taylor, ForrestX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Take for example, /etc/init.d/apmd. Line three is:
> # chkconfig: 2345 26 74
> This tells chkconfig that it should start in runlevels 2-5 and it
So do you think that 99 would be a good start and stop number? I think a lot of
people from a forum I go to use those start and stop numbers for anything that
they the user make up. Are there any general rules of thumb that people
"follow", seeing as how they are arbitrary?
> --- "Taylor, Forrest
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