We use dots in our usernames for LDAP, sort of like
But when I try to create a similar account in Red Hat 8.0 so that I can use
LDAP authentication the account is never actually built.
Any ideas on how to create accounts with dots in the names in Red Hat?
Lionel M. Worman
built. Now though it seems to work.
Although previously I had been using the Red Hat 8 GUI for users
and groups and that never worked. Maybe its a flaw in that?
I'll check it out and get back to the list with that.
Lionel M. Worman
Information Technology Coordinator
Wittenberg Unive
I've just tested this out, and the GUI cannot create users with
dots in the username. You can still create the users via the useradd
command though.
Lionel M. Worman
Information Technology Coordinator
Wittenberg University
At 07:42 AM 08/01/2003 -0400, Lionel M. Worman