Looking for Partion Magic

2003-02-04 Thread John Nall
(Hope it is not out of line to send this. If it is, I apologize) I need to partition my HD on my Windows XP machine so that I can put Linux on it. Because it uses the NTFS format it appears that the only way I am going to be able to partition it is to use the software product "Partition Magic."

RH8.0 on Dell Dimension 4300S - Linux compatible??

2003-02-13 Thread John Nall
I've Google-searched and searched the hardware compatibility list at Redhat and cannot find whether the Dell Dimension 4300S is, or is not, certified to run Linux on. Anyone know??? I'm trying to install RH8.0 on one, and it seems to install OK but there are some problems. If the hardware is not

Re: RH8.0 on Dell Dimension 4300S - Linux compatible??

2003-02-13 Thread John Nall
At 04:17 PM 2/13/2003 -0600, Dave Sherman wrote: >In my experience, it isn't whole systems that are certified, but rather subsystems (video card, sound card, network card, etc.). That being the case, you can simply get a list of the hardware in your Dell, and compare that against the various com

Re: RH8.0 on Dell Dimension 4300S - Linux compatible??

2003-02-14 Thread John Nall
At 07:54 PM 2/13/2003 -0600, Ed Wilts wrote: >> The second problem has to do with the Ethernet card. It is a CNET >> PRO200WL, which apparently is Linux certified (by Linux-Testing), although >> not for RH8.0 specifically. >From my quick research, this thing was validated against Red Hat Linux

Re: RH8.0 on Dell Dimension 4300S - Linux compatible??

2003-02-14 Thread John Nall
At 12:00 PM 2/14/2003 -0600, Dave Sherman wrote: >According to the Linux-Tested website, the driver module to use is dmfc. Yeah, I checked that. I notice that Redhat is the one that did the test, also. >Run the command 'lsmod' to list the kernel modules currently loaded, and confirm that thi

Driver for Cnet PRO200WL

2003-02-15 Thread John Nall
This is related to a previous problem, but since I have it narrowed down a bit figured it would be best to start a new thread. My ethernet adapter is a CNet PRO200WL. This was certified by Redhat for Linix. However, RH8.0 is loading the wrong driver for it. It loads dmfe, because it thinks

Re: Driver for Cnet PRO200WL

2003-02-15 Thread John Nall
At 12:18 PM 2/15/2003 -0600, Dave Sherman wrote: Interestingly, your nic does appear to use a davicom chipset. ---(snip, snip)--- If you've never compiled software before, you're in for a learning experience -- but it's not difficult, as long as you follow the instructions. Good luck, I'm s

Bring up Ethernet

2003-02-16 Thread John Nall
Well (sigh), after wrestling with this problem for several days, I've decided to go back to basics and ask the questions that perhaps I should have started with. PROBLEM: I cannot get ethernet working for two RH8.0 machines to communicate with each other. STATUS: Two machines, side by side,

Re: Bring up Ethernet

2003-02-16 Thread John Nall
At 12:27 PM 2/16/2003 -0500, I wrote: So, where do I begin? I am a great believer in RTFM but do not know where to start over and above where I already started. Never mind. I figured it out. (Can I spell "dhcp?" I can now. :-) John -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https:/

Transferring updates across local network

2003-02-16 Thread John Nall
This may be a dumb question, with the answer glaringly obvious. But I hate to make assumptions. Doing so has bit me in the past. Using RHN I have updated one of my three RH8.0 systems. All three of them are on a LAN, at my home. Since this updating is kind of a courtesy from Redhat, by virt

Setting up router

2003-02-17 Thread John Nall
One of my three RH8.0 machines on a LAN has access to the internet, through a dial-up modem. The other two do not have access, so I want them to use the first machine as a router. I gather that the solution to doing this is "iptables", for network address translation. But have not been able t

Internet Connection Sharing with Linux

2003-02-18 Thread John Nall
There is something I can't seem to grasp, and so far I have not found the answer. I'm trying to ween myself away from Windows and migrate to Linux (for several reasons) but gosh it sure is not easy to do even when one is determined. How in the world do you accomplish ICS??? With Windows XP I

Re: Internet Connection Sharing with Linux

2003-02-18 Thread John Nall
At 03:10 PM 2/18/2003 -0300, Sergio Durand wrote: for the fast and simple configuration, setup your squid ... and configure clients browsers to use proxy server ... this way is more easy .. I think that I am beginning to get a glimmer of what my main problem is -- I am not able to translate fr

Seeking advice on mother board

2003-02-21 Thread John Nall
This is a little bit off-topic, but not entirely. So hopefully I will be forgiven. I want to upgrade an old PC that I have with a new motherboard, new HD, etc., in order to make a system which I will install RH8.0 on. It is strictly for home use, but nevertheless I would like it to be a stabl

DNS query (was Internet Connection Sharing)

2003-02-22 Thread John Nall
Thanks to some people on here I have managed to navigate the underbrush (and trip over a few roots) and finally have Internet Connection Sharing going on my home LAN. I can dial in to the ISP with one and then access the Internet from all three. Which is what I wanted to do. However...one sma

Re: DNS query (was Internet Connection Sharing)

2003-02-22 Thread John Nall
At 12:38 PM 2/22/2003 -0800, Jesse Keating wrote: A better solution, configure the dialup PC to run a caching only name server, then point your lan PCs at the dialup PC for a dns server. Works like a charm. OK. I'll start trying to figure out how to do that (run the caching only name server) bu

Re: DNS query (was Internet Connection Sharing)

2003-02-22 Thread John Nall
At 12:52 PM 2/22/2003 -0800, Jesse Keating wrote: On Saturday 22 February 2003 12:45, John Nall uttered: > OK. I'll start trying to figure out how to do that (run the caching only > name server) but if you want to give me a hint it might make it easier. If > not, I will eventu

Mounting NTFS not supported??

2003-02-28 Thread John Nall
I have seen documentation that claims that one can mount an NTFS file system under Linux and read it. That is, "mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows" should work. It does not, however -- an error message is given to the effect that the kernel does not support the ntfs file system. (Yes, I tried

Re: Mounting NTFS not supported??

2003-02-28 Thread John Nall
On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 14:42, Jeffrey Tadlock wrote: > Check out the following link. It should answer most of your > questions: > > http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/info/redhat.html I did and it does. Thanks (and thanks to the others who replied also). John -- Psyche-list mailing list [EM

Re: Michael Schwendt

2003-03-08 Thread John Nall
On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 20:41, John Lowell wrote: > Earlier today, I posted a simple yes-or-no question to to the list and > got back a lecture and some abuse from a Michael Schwendt. After a > couple of additional, similar messages from him, I specifically told him > in the clearest possible term

Re: Ext3 File System Check

2003-03-09 Thread John Nall
At 06:40 PM 3/8/2003 -0800, jdow wrote: I suggest that this individual is a troll and suitable for kill files. He's being added to mine forthwith. He appears illiterate enough to be adverse to reading man pages to determine the proper answers to questions even after he is told the appropriate man

Re: Michael Schwendt

2003-03-09 Thread John Nall
At 08:47 AM 3/9/2003 -0800, Stephen Carville wrote: He certainly is a persistent troll. You guys (and girls) should give Mr. Lowell more respect. You may not know it, but Linux is just a hobby with him. His real job is as a senior member of the Bush diplomatic team to North Korea. John --

Changing the security level from system settings ??

2002-12-12 Thread John Nall
Logged in as root, I go to "system settings -> security level" and get a nice little thing called "Security Level Configuration" which is neat and which allows me to customize the firewall rules and allow trusted incoming stuff. (Where I am trying to get to is to get telnet working on my two Linux

Telnet with RH8.0

2002-12-12 Thread John Nall
I am not actually sure where to begin this question: I hate to say "How do I get telnet working with RH8.0" but I guess when push comes to shove, that is the question. Right now, I have telnet installed. I can start the daemons.I have two machines on an LAN, both running 8.0, and I can ping

Re: Hostname help

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
- Original Message - From: "Tomas Larsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Can you ping the Linux box from Win with IP. > Make sure that you enter all hosts in LMHOSTS file in Win. A further query on this: There are two files, LMHOSTS.SAM and HOSTS, which appear to be similar. They are found in

RH8.0 Updates

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
I've just installed RH8.0 and did a little Internet work. I notice that the right-bottom of the screen has an indicator that my system needs to be updated. I assumed that this is somewhat the same as the Windows update service that my XP system does pretty much automatically, for security patches

Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
When I try to ftp (or telnet) from one RH8.0 system to another RH8.0 system I get the message "connection refused." I can ping between them OK, and the security level is supposedly set to allow access. What else do I need to do? Thanks, John -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] htt

Re: Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
- Original Message - From: "Robert P. J. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > # chkconfig --list # see xinetd services at the bottom > # chkconfig telnet on # allow incoming telnet > > note that this *automatically* does a reload of xinetd so you don't > have to do it yourself manually. > > rday 1

Re: Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
- Original Message - From: "Mr. Adam ALLEN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 11:07 AM Subject: Re: Connection refused - why? >On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 15:59, John Nall wrote: >> When I try to ftp (or telnet) from on

Re: Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
- Original Message - From: "Shoemaker, Michael (STL)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Is your firewall not exposing the port? Good question. I am not sure how to check that to find out. I used the Security Configuration utility to allow incoming on everything, and iptables -L seems to indicate

Re: Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
- Original Message - From: "Jesse Keating" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Can you telnet to yourself? Not from a second computer, but from that > computer to itself. Nope. Says "connection refused." -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo

Re: Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread John Nall
I'm getting information overload :-) People have asked me specific questions, and I have done some checking on things. As a result of doing that, I have been able to get telnet and ftp working OK (although I will use SSH as recommended, rather than telnet. Nice to get it working, though). To be

Do I have a proxy???

2002-12-14 Thread John Nall
Looking up the definition of a "proxy" it seems to be a machine that sits between my terminal and the Internet. Very well. My terminal runs RH8.0, and I have an XP machine which is on the same LAN. The XP machine dials the ISP to access the Internet, and once it has a connection then I can also

Re: Do I have a proxy???

2002-12-14 Thread John Nall
- Original Message - From: "Jesse Keating" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Anywho, thats probably a bit more than you were looking for, but bottom line, > no, you aren't using a proxy. Well, no, that is not a bit more than I was looking for -- it was a very thorough explanation, and I appreciate i

fips and Windows XP

2002-12-16 Thread John Nall
I've played around with RH8.0 on an old system for awhile, and am now ready to install it on my main system. My main system is the one my wife uses also, and I dare not screw it up! Since it came with Windows XP installed (it is a Dell 4300S) it only has one partition, which takes up the entire 40G

USB Hard Disks

2002-12-17 Thread John Nall
Trust me - this is Psyche related. :-) I have always used internal HD's but it looks like I need to use an external one now. I presume that a hard disk advertised as "external USB" would plug into a USB port and work like any other hard disk. And I also presume that RH8.0 would have no trouble