I recently installed RH8.0 on my Dell Inspiron 2500 laptop, which is
dual boot and I have 2 DOS drives mounted. I get this message on
boot-up: checking filesystems - Fat32 support is still ALPHA.
Has anyone experience with this message, are there ever any bad effects
of alpha support?
Message: 4
From: Greg Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fat32 support is still ALPHA
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 09:49:49 +0200
I recently installed RH8.0 on my Dell Inspiron 2500 laptop, which is
dual boot and I have 2 DOS drives mounted. I get
I have set up Psyche on my mother's Gateway 433 desktop, as a Win/RH box
using Grub. She likes pretty pictures and so wants to be able to do
everything from the gui. I however can't get it to stay turned off when
I select "Shut Down" from the log out pop-up window. It reboots.
It also reboots us