
2003-07-23 Thread John Lowry
All, For reasons unknown, my USB optical mouse (with wheel) has stopped working on RH 8.0. I've read over the posts concerning this and other mouse problems without success. Loading modules usbcore and usb-uhci cause the mouse light to go on when moved. Unplugging and replugging the mouse when

Busy device

2003-07-23 Thread Antonio Montagnani
If I plug in a Compact Flash reader I can mount it as /dev/sda1, but I cannot unmount it if I am logged as user as I get a busy device alert, no problem as root. Any hint?? Antonio -- Written with Mozilla 1.4 on Linux RedHat 8.0 ===

two interface cards

2003-07-23 Thread nauman ahmed
i am doing a project in which there are two network interface cards configured in my  red hat 8.0 machine and i want thatt when i send packet from my one card( to other( then these packets do not reach  the other card internally but rather externally

Re: Sound in RedHat 8.0.

2003-07-23 Thread Craig White
On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 14:33, Panos Tsapralis (TELLAS) wrote: > I posted this issue some time ago but got no answer, that could help me > resolve it, so, here I am again, in hope of getting some better help > this time: > > No matter what I do, I cannot get any sound out of my system, except for >

Re: Busy device

2003-07-23 Thread Anoop Chandran
hi, is it coz ur user's home directory is in sda1 and that of root is not ? when u get device busy message try doing this prompt#fuser -vv "give the mount point here [eg : /home/userdir] to which /dev/sda1 is mounted" the output shows the processes accessing that particular mount point. Regard