Nick - I have a Gateway PII-350 with the same issue. I think it is a
bios related problem with these particular systems. I have seen this
problem brought up before on this list and no solution has been posted
yet. I don't know if this same problem exists with redhat version 9 or
not. If you fin
Title: RE: shut down problem
I haven't been following this thread, but 'init 0' is what
I use to
shutdown my linux servers completely. (If they power back
by themselves, it might be a setting in your
'init 0' is not as 'graceful' as shutdown
Title: RE: shut down problem
What happens if you 'init 0'?
-Original Message-
From: Nick H Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:22 PM
Subject: RE: shut down problem
dave c wrote:
> try "shut
dave c wrote:
> try "shutdown -h now"
> See if that does it.
No luck Dave. It simply reboots.
Any other suggestions.
I'm stumped.
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
Psyche-list mail
try "shutdown -h now"
See if that does it.
--- On Sat 08/23, Nick H Johnson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Nick H Johnson [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 23 Aug 2003 15:00:09 -0400
Subject: shut down problem
I have set up Psyche on my mother'
I have set up Psyche on my mother's Gateway 433 desktop, as a Win/RH box
using Grub. She likes pretty pictures and so wants to be able to do
everything from the gui. I however can't get it to stay turned off when
I select "Shut Down" from the log out pop-up window. It reboots.
It also reboots us