Re: Scatterplot

2009-07-20 Thread David Nasatir
Hello, I'm the guy trying to fit a line to a scatterplot in PSPP. John Darrington suggested it might be done using the REGRESSION procedure with "...a bit more manual work". What would that work be? What steps should I follow? I understand that the syntax in SPSS would be something like:

Re: Scatterplot

2009-07-20 Thread David Nasatir
would be something like this: REGRESSION /VARIABLES= educ /DEPENDENT= happy /STATISTICS=COEFF R ANOVA /SAVE= PRED RESID. You can then make scatterplots using residuals and predicted values. On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 09:42:48AM -0700, David Nasatir wrote

Re: Scatterplot

2009-07-21 Thread David Nasatir
arbitrary curve would require the GGRAPH command which we don't currently implement. J' On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 05:01:26PM -0700, David Nasatir wrote: Thanks, Jason. Using the syntax below, I do, indeed, obtain the desired statistics and the variables PRED and RESID are created.

Re: Scatterplot

2009-07-21 Thread David Nasatir
Thank you for your kind offer Michel but I think your efforts to write the process for R will not be needed. At the moment my goal is to stay within a single package (PSPP) if possible as I will be instructing undergraduates and the topic is really more statistical than computational. TMovi

Re: PSPP plug-in for Open Office? Or, some other work-flow?

2009-07-22 Thread David Nasatir
Hi David, I'm with you! As it happens my university will no longer support an SPSS license for student use and, appalled at the existing cost of texts and readers, I do not want to ask students to purchase individual licenses or even (expensive) texts that come with a version bundled for stud

Re: Using pspp

2009-10-27 Thread David Nasatir
some syntax from spss and pasting it into the pspp syntax window and then running pspp works for some things. David Nasatir ___ Pspp-users mailing list

Re: next version of PSPP

2009-11-12 Thread David Nasatir
Jason Stover wrote: ... What kinds of analyses do you most need? Logistic Regression would be a great help for me Scatter plots would be a great help for me. ___ Pspp-users mailing list

Re: Question

2010-04-12 Thread David Nasatir
*P*ackage of *S*tatistics for *P*enurious *P*eople? On 4/12/2010 5:26 PM, Martin Therrien-Bélec wrote: What is the words for pspp (ex.: statistics package for sociales sciences for SPSS)? Thank ___ Pspp-users mailing list http:/

Re: Import / Export Functions and other features missing for academic and office use in urban planning

2011-05-11 Thread David Nasatir
Marshall makes some excellent points. As I look at my well worn copy of the 2nd edition (1975) of the SPSS manual I recall why I was so pleased to adopt SPSS after becoming a BMDP adept; ease of data manipulation. I, too, tend to do rather simple statistical analyses after preparing very lar

Re: hola hay usuarios de lengua spa aqui?

2011-06-15 Thread David Nasatir
Aunque no soy de America Latina, era sociólogo. Soy jubilado ahora pero todavia tengo interes en el PSPP. David Nasatir Department of Sociology University of California, Berkeley On 6/15/2011 7:20 AM, Rodrigo Rodriguez wrote: > > > El 14 de junio de 2011 18:24, Alberto Emiliano Roj