Test version of Pspp

2022-02-25 Thread Ana Messler
Hello, When I go to download the most recent version of PSPP 1.5.3 from this URL below I am getting a “test version.” How do I get the real version and not the test version? https://caeis.etech.fh-augsburg.de/downloads/windows/1.5.3-g797d4c/pspp-64bit-install.exe Sent from my iPhone

Re: Test version of Pspp

2022-02-25 Thread Alan Mead
Currently, the "test version" is the only recent version available. The "problem" (it's a problem for Windows users) is that the PSPP developers release the source code to PSPP and then its up to users to compile the software. Doing that on Windows is not trivial. So, it's nice of Friedrich Bec

Re: Test version of Pspp

2022-02-25 Thread John Darrington
If by "real version", you mean a released version, they are all archived here: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pspp/ J' On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 03:18:20PM -0500, Ana Messler wrote: Hello, When I go to download the most recent version of PSPP 1.5.3 from this URL below I am getting a “test version