RE: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places of regression analysis

2016-07-28 Thread Yoshi
Hi Oliver and John, thanks for your reply. I'm still struggling. What I did was as the following and further advice would be appreciated. 1 On the syntax editor window, File->Open->, open repairs.sav in c://Program Files/PSPP/share/pspp/examples (repairs_sav.JPG) 2 Open syntax editor (File->New->

Re: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places of regression analysis

2016-07-28 Thread Alan Mead
On 7/28/2016 5:32 PM, Yoshi wrote: > 3 On the syntax editor window, enter command, > SET FORMAT F22.6 > EXECUTE. (SyntaxEditor1.JPG) After this step, did you click Run > All ? You need to see these statements in the output window (without any error message) to know that this format took effect.

Re: PSPPire on Windows: Increase the number of decimal places ofregression analysis

2016-07-28 Thread Dr. Oliver Walter
As Alan wrote: Type SET FORMAT F22.6 in the syntax editor and execute this command by clicking "all" or - after highlighting the command line - "selection" in the menu "run" of the syntax editor. You can also press the two keys Strg + R at the same time (or hold the Strg key and then press the