Re: Export PSPP histogram to an image file

2019-02-21 Thread Alan Mead
Looks like you found your answer. Happy to hear it. > It turns out I simply needed to specify the output: > > |$ pspp mySyntaxFile.sps -o histogram.pdf -O format=pdf| On 2/21/2019 3:31 AM, Oren Ish-Shalom wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to export a histogram to an image file. > My input is an *.ods

Export PSPP histogram to an image file

2019-02-21 Thread Oren Ish-Shalom
Hi, I'm trying to export a histogram to an image file. My input is an *.ods file, and here is my syntax file: GET DATA /TYPE=ODS /FILE='grades.ods' /CELLRANGE=FULL /READNAMES=ON /ASSUMEDSTRWIDTH=32 . GRAPH /HISTOGRAM = Q2 . EXECUTE. I posted this question on Cross Validated too: https://stats.