I'm reluctant to answer your question because it sounds too much like
doing your homework but I would have no qualms about answering a more
specific question of the form "How do I get PSPP to do X?" where X is a
specific thing, like testing whether two means are significantly
different or estim
Time series analysis is something that pspp doesn't yet have much of. You might
have to use R or Gretl instead.
However you could, for example, examine the correlation between time/date and
frequency of a particular tag. In that case, you might want to use the
command to create a
If u want to plot a timeline of no. of times a tag used to time period i.e.
months, years, etc. then this data will do. Best thing according to me will
be to export data in excel and then make a pivot table. Select relevant
data and ur desired table will be ready.
On Aug 20, 2013 9:42 PM, "Garr
I need to use PSPP to analyse some data for a report I need to write for a
course but I'm having trouble matching up what I want to do with what PSPP
is capable of doing. I want to analyse the use of tags on a weblog over a
period of years, frequency of each tags use and some sort of represen