Hi folks :-)
This it my first post..
reading howto of postfix I understand how keep a copy of all email that
forward my postfix.
I've only one production server, I'd like keep copy (on this server) of
all emails.
carbon copy :-)
How can configure postfix to keep emails?
PS: I use
Hi all!
Almost configured postfix on my lan, I can't discover how bounce mail
when the size attachments is too big to destination server.
i.e. I send an email with attachments 30Mb to @yahoo.it, @tiscali.it
by mailq I see the error: destination server can't accept that mail
because the attachmen
Hi all!
Almost configured postfix on my lan, I can't discover how bounce mail
when the size attachments is too big to destination server.
i.e. I send an email with attachments 30Mb to @yahoo.it, @tiscali.it
by mailq I see the error: destination server can't accept that mail
because the attachmen
Hi folks!
I'm newbie and I study postfix
What I should be use to (check) and block attempt spam from my lan to
> And the most effective countermeasure to spam originating from devices
> on the LAN has nothing to do with Postfix. As most spamware in the wild
> today still attempts to send direct-to-MX, simply creating a TCP 25
> egress filter at your edge router/firewall will give the best bang for
> the bu
> How about how offensive and rude it is to post to a public mailing list
from a domain named "fuckaround.org"? Don't bother replying, you've
already been blacklisted.
offensive? offensive for who? It'a a name like another. It's a "nice" name
to test my server.
My ip is not blacklisted and thank
> You use local(8). As documented "fred" MUST exist as a UNIX system
> account name, or as an alias in the LOCAL (NOT virtual) aliases(5)
> file (typically named /etc/aliases or similar).
HI and thanks for your reply :-)
I've this line:
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -a "$EXTENSION" DEFAULT
> Why are you giving mail for "fred" to the local(8) delivery agent?
Sorry :-) Tell me how does not give to "fred".
Also commenting the line with mailbox_command, I don't understand how
delivery mail to virtual host users.
> - Is this the right domain name but the wrong delivery agent?
myhostname = server1.fuckaround.org
mydomain = fuckaround.org
Hi all!
I forced postfix to uses smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
but I need exclude TLS from
I known there's a change to do in master.cf but I don't know how resolve
any idea?
Thanks for your reply :-)
I added inet n - - - - smtpd
-o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no
to master.cf but I've same problem...
Thanks all for replies :-) I use linux.
So, what should be do? I'm confused :-/
How clone submission service?
thanks for help
Hi all :-) I using notify classes:
notify_classes = bounce, 2bounce, data, delay, policy, protocol, resource,
postmaster receives correct "alert" emails
I'd like have also a notify when a local user send an email and there's an
error (something like remote smtp does not run - for purpos
> As it is now, no user, not even root, can override their own wildcard
> bind with a more specific bind. And that is a bug.
thanks all for help! :-)
I uncannily solved put "may" rather than "encrypted"
> Are you running a small personal MTA serving just yourself and perhaps
> just a few more people? If so, perhaps this is OK.
> My recommendation is to set "notify_classes = " (empty)
> Postfix has a delay_warning_time parameter. This warning is correctly
> sent at most once per messag
Follow official postfix page (http://www.postfix.org/DSN_README.html) I've:
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps = cidr:/etc/postfix/esmtp_access
cat /etc/postfix/esmtp_access
# Allow DSN requests from local subnet only silent-discard silent-
> Do you have a AV scanner or some other after queue content filter? If
> yes postfix is maybe telling you that the message has been transfered
> to this next hop. IMHO you should ditch DSN because no one is
> using/allowing it anyway, so trying to get it right is a fruitless
> effort.
Hello and t
Hi all :-) I'm not sure which parameters is correct, I've:
pc1 - user1
pc2 - user2
pc3 - user3
I need set postifx with multiple relay:
if user1 send an email to domain1, postfix should be send using
mail.server1.org with sasl.
if user2 send an email to domain2, postfix should be send using
> http://www.postfix.org/SOHO_README.html#client_sasl_sender
Wietse thanks :-)
Howdy :-)
After configurated postfix like isp mail server, do I need other things to
do a real mail server (from other ISP)?
So, every real isp in the world can send to me same email?
I configurated postfix ad mxbackup. show set a quote forma each domain?
> Am 18.10.2013 21:27, schrieb Pol Hallen:
>> I configurated postfix ad mxbackup. show set a quote forma each domain?
> *what* are you talking about?
> that pretty much makes no sense for anybody but you
sorry for mistake (incorrect tablet language). I config
> Which kind of quota? Mailbox volume? Mail volume send quota? ...?
for mail volume send quota. I didn't found anything searching online
> As a basic principle: Postfix routes and filters message transport, but it
> doesn't deal with the details of mailbox management etc.
> p@rick
Hi all :-)
I configurated a postfix with sasl authentication.
saslpasswd2 -c -u `postconf -h myhostname` test0
testsaslauthd -u test0 -p test0
0: NO "authentication failed"
Try with:
saslpasswd2 -c test1
testsaslauthd -u test1 -p test1
0: OK "Success."
Hi all :-)
I read a lot but not enough...
I need a something to block the spam when an account email has violated...
so the spammer can use that account to relay spam emails to "the world"
Are there postfix options to block this (or slowing down) or I need use
third parts software?
Need I work
> Try: postfwd or policyd rate limiting.
Sure! Thanks! A last question:
real situation: sasl+tls user accounts.
supposed situation: someone hack an account and take user+pass. That
person do a script like this:
while [ $i != 50 ]; do
echo test | /usr/bin/mail -s "test message$i" "vic...@dom
Hi all, I've finished to read sasl authentication and I can send email
using it.
Now I'd like that postfix send the email using the sasl username
(te...@mydomain.com) and not with the sender of email client, because with
1 sasl authentication, every users can send with same sasl account, ie:
Hi all :-) I configurated postfix to check if a client is within the
smtpd_sender_login_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/smtpd_sender_login_maps
with sasl sender authentication, and:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
anvil_rate_time_unit = 10s
anvil_status_update_time = 120s
append_dot_mydomain = no
biff = no
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
config_directory = /etc/postfix
delay_warning_time = 10m
disable_vrfy_command = yes
helpful_warnings = yes
> Perhaps you can use reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch instead.
> http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch
Yeah! Thanks Jones :-)
Hi all :-) I've several virtual domains and I looking for how create the
aliases for each domains (aliases like postmaster, root, etc.)
I found this
that says something like this: "putting postmaster, roo
> Instead, use a script that generates explicit postmas...@example.com
> entries etc. when you host a new domain.
thanks for reply. Is there an example of that script? Need I create a
virtual domain or only something that redirect (i.e.
postmas...@example.org) to virtual domain?
Thanks! Very cool!
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 05:33:30PM -0500, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> --8<-snip-here--8<--
>> #!/bin/sh
>> case $# in
>> 0) echo usage: $0 example.com ... 1>&2; exit 1;;
>> esac
>> VIRTUAL_MAP=/etc/postfix/virtual
>> VIRTUAL_DOMAINS=/etc/postfix/virtual_domains
Hi all, into a normal situation I can use .forward file (to forward the
email) i.e.:
cat /home/user1/.forward
using virtual host how can I automatic forward?
thanks for help
Hi all, I've a server with one static IP and many virtual hosts.
I've fear if a virtual host could go inside a black list, and the result
should be all virtual host become black listed...
so, what's the better way to escape this situation?
buy other IPs? but if I've 100 virtual host with same IP
> Make sure you avoid anything that's likely to get your IP address(es)
> blacklisted: for instance don't send spam or distribute malware.
Jim surely I do what I can... but if a malware goes inside and takes an
account... this become a problem :-( that account maybe goes inside to
black lis
Hi Robert and thanks for your reply :-)
I found rblcheck script (debian package) that check if an IP has inside
I need information to how prevent this situation, because when my IP is
inside black list is too late :-///
>do the best you can, to avoid outbound spam, a minimal ever work
>solution maybe use clamav-milter with sanesecurity antispam signatures
>of course there are additional never ending other solutions
thanks -)
>search the list archives and sites around postfix amavis and study best
>practises avoi
Hi folks, I already read about sasl, postfix and other docs.
External sasl authentication works, I need force users to authentication
from localhost (i.e. CMS joomla and wordpress).
inside main.cf:
mynetworks =,
#mynetworks =,
> however, configure your applications to use port 587 and close 25
> on may be the easier way to achieve the goal which is
> no problem with iptables
excellent solution! thanks :-)
> if it is pickup than disable "mail" and a lot of other dangerous PHP
> functions
in php.ini I've "only
Hi all :-) I'm searching for how notify by email the mail queue... (if
there're emails inside queue). Any idea?
Cheers! Very thanks boy :-)
> Am 23.02.2014 19:22, schrieb Pol Hallen:
>> Hi all :-) I'm searching for how notify by email the mail queue... (if
>> there're emails inside queue). Any idea?
> will not help much if it's too late and you reveive
> no
I'm not sure if anyone use policyd (postfix cluebringer) but I can't solve
a noise problem. policyd put limits to a number of emails, so reading this
post from policyd:
"I think You want postfix to accept all mai
Hi all, I need an advice about my mx-backup server
main mail server has many antispam system (amavis, spamassassin, etc.),
when an email bounced by these antispam, the email goes to mx-backup
server. mx-backup server keep email inside own queue.
So, do I need install amavis and other antispam sys
> There's evidence that some spammers reverse-sort MX records,
> intentionally sending to the backup MX first. Consequently, the
> backup MX /must/ have anti-spam controls identical to the primary.
> But consider if you truly need a backup MX. Most folks have dropped
> them because they're spam
Hi all, I've configured postfix with virtual mailboxes.
I looking for a quota support with notify quota to customers.
Is there a script or something like it to solve my issue?
Hi Leonardo, thanks for your help!
If can be useful I've found this perl script:
Hi all :-)
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/local_domains
I can put OK or REJECT filtering by sender.
I need filter only a domain (i.e. yahoo.com external domain) then redirect
that email(s) to external email address.
What the best way?
> The "OK" case needs to be handled with great care to avoid becoming
> an open relay.
> What do you need to do to email with a yahoo.com envelope sender
> and why?
problems with old customers: some servers (mine) are IDS with my notify
email, so I receive IDS notify emails every day. So
Hi all :-)
With all other smtp, postfix runs correctly, only with hotmail.it smtp
I've this log file:
May 14 09:15:53 www postfix/smtp[23823]: certificate verification failed
for mx2.hotmail.com[]:25: untrusted issuer
/C=IE/O=Baltimore/OU=CyberTrust/CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
May 14
>whatever trust failure
>your mail was delivered to hotmail, ask them what happened to it
>perhaps it went to some Junk folder etc
thanks for reply :-) When I see this warning/error email goes lost...
I've an hotmail.it account and no email has come (also inside spam/junk).
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