I have a relatively new installation of postfix with clamav and
spamassassin milters. In general it seems to work fine.
The debian server sends a variety of notifications from localhost
through postfix to a domain mailbox ad...@example.co.uk. On the way it's
filtered by spamassassin, which is
Dnia 7.07.2022 o godz. 14:26:43 Linkcheck pisze:
> I have a relatively new installation of postfix with clamav and spamassassin
> milters. In general it seems to work fine.
> The debian server sends a variety of notifications from localhost through
> postfix to a domain mailbox ad...@example.co
> I have a relatively new installation of postfix with clamav and spamassassin
> milters. In general it seems to work fine.
> The debian server sends a variety of notifications from localhost through
> postfix to a domain mailbox ad...@example.co.uk. On the way it's filtered by
> spam
On 2022-07-07 at 09:26:43 UTC-0400 (Thu, 7 Jul 2022 14:26:43 +0100)
is rumored to have said:
I have a relatively new installation of postfix with clamav and
spamassassin milters. In general it seems to work fine.
The debian server sends a variety of notifications from localhost
On Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 01:01:22PM -0400, Bill Cole wrote:
> > mua_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks
> > permit_sasl_authenticated permit
> That is VERY BAD.
> Your submission service appears to be an open relay. Change the final
> 'permit' to 'reject' to fix that.
Note that the O