I placed the following post from Wietse in our main.cf -- let's call
this "mx_access":
# There is a crude way to automatically group messages by destination
# MX hosts, but that works only for the special case that all messages
# have exactly one recipient or all recipients in the same domain.
Greg Sims:
> I placed the following post from Wietse in our main.cf -- let's call
> this "mx_access":
> # There is a crude way to automatically group messages by destination
> # MX hosts, but that works only for the special case that all messages
> # have exactly one recipient or all recipients
> The FILTER action overrides the routing of all recipients of a
> message. For example, if one message has outlook and non-outlook
> recipients, then all recipients would be sent to outlook.com,
> including the non-outlook ones.
Pardon my next question in advance. Will outlook.com reliably relay
> On Sep 8, 2020, at 11:34 PM, Greg Sims wrote:
> Pardon my next question in advance. Will outlook.com reliably relay
> the message to recipients that do not have an outlook.com domain?
No. They'll reject "foreign" recipients. There are work-arounds,
but you should not go there. If your tr